Chapter 27

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"Time's up! And with that, the second round is officially over!"

I sighed in relief, my body relaxing as Shoji's and his team stopped their banging, allowing me to let down the barrier.

"Nice try, guys! Shoji, you actually had me worried there for a second!" I smiled as Shoda, Ojiro, and I let Shinso down.

"Congratulations on making it to the next round, Y/n and Ojiro. You guys too. Ribbit." Tsu climbed off Shoji while Mineta fell on his face.

"Thanks, Tsu," Ojiro grumbled.

"Now, let's take a look at who our top four teams are! In first place, Team Todoroki! In second place, Team Bakugo!"

"They must have been able to grab another headband," Shinso mumbled, making me nod in agreement.

"In third place is Team Shinso! And in fourth place is Tetsute- Wait, what? It's Team Midoriya?! When did they come back from the dead? These four valiant teams will advance on to the final round!"

A sudden scream rang through our ears, and I cringed as I looked over to see Izuku with tears pouring out of his eyes and into the air, creating a geyser of sorts while his body fell into the ground from the pressure.

And I mean that literally. He was knee-deep in the ground.

"Is that- your brother?" Shinso asked.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled, quickly looking away from my mess of a sibling.

Where the hell did he get the waterworks from? I know it wasn't Dad. Is our mom like this too?

"Now, let's take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities! Hey, Eraser Head. Let's grab some food."

"I'm taking a nap."


Looking around the stadium more, I noticed Katsuki still crouched on the ground, shaking in what I only assumed was rage. I sighed as I slowly walked over to him, making sure my footsteps could be heard so he knew I was there. I didn't need to accidentally surprise him, causing myself a blast to the face.

"Hey, Katsu? You doin' okay there?" I carefully asked, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"How? How does he keep on beating me?" I just bearly heard him grumble.

"Well, Todoroki has trained since he was born, cause of his father. I would know since I've known him for about as long-"

"I'm not talking about that icy-hot bastard, I'm talking about stinkin' Deku!"

"But, Izuku didn't beat you-"

"Oh, shut up, you know what I mean." He scowled, finally standing.

"Well, it's cause he's smart." I shrugged simply, causing the boy to look at me in anger. "I mean, he picked his teammates really well, just like you and Todoroki. He was able to quickly put together plans on how to keep his headband, and when he lost it, how to get one back."

"He got lucky." Bakgo scoffed.

"Yeah, he got damn lucky." I nodded, wrapping my right arm around his left and pulling him out of the stadium. "Now come on. It's time for lunch and I am starving."


"My old man is ambitious. He aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero. But he was never able to best All Might, so the Symbol of Peace is living proof of his failure."

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