Chapter 80

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A/n ~ Okay, two things.

One: Just a heads up that I will be MIA all of next week! My dad's getting married on the 30th so I'll be pretty busy with stuff for it and making sure my schoolwork is keeping caught up.

Two: HOW IS TWINS ALMOST AT 20K??? WHAT THE HELL?!?! Thank you so much for reading this and I love reading all of your comments no matter how crazy they get 😭

Love you all <3

"God, why are you hanging out with that loser again?"

"Um, 'cause he's my brother?" I said, glancing toward Katsuki as he stood in my bathroom doorway, watching me finish getting ready.


"So I should have a good relationship with him. Probably. It's what I've been told, anyways." I shrugged, making sure my hair didn't look like a fucking rats' nest anymore before squeezing my way past Katsuki and into my bedroom, looking around for my phone.

"Tch, you've gone 15 years without having a relationship with that idiot. Why do you need one now?"

"At the very least it's good work-wise. It'd be super awkward to not have a good relationship with him for the public. They'd speculate too much over the different possibilities on why we're not close, even though we're twins."

"You already told people you were raised separately."

"Yeah, but now we literally live in the same building. We don't really have excuses anymore." I grumbled under my breath as I flung my bedsheets around, trying to see if my phone would magically appear. "God, have you seen my phone?"


My eyes narrowed at the boy as he looked away from me, refusing to make eye contact.

"Katsuki." I released my covers, slowly walking up to the blond. "Where is my phone."

"I don't fucking know."

I sighed as I wrapped my arms around the Pouting Pomeranian, waiting for him to wrap his own arms around me.

"Babe, I know you don't like him, but he's my brother. I at least want to have some kind of relationship with him."

"Tch, you don't need to have shit with– Wait a sec– Hey!"

I chuckled as I revealed my phone in my left hand, having shamelessly fished it out of Katsuki's back pocket.

"I needed this back, Babe."

"Tch, I'll let you keep it just so you can text me when you want to be rescued." He scowled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Katsu, I can literally teleport. I don't need you to swoop in and save the day." I rolled my eyes, placing my phone in my own back pocket of my denim shorts before hugging Katsuki for real. "I will text you with updates, though. And you gotta remember, I have my first day back at patrolling tonight. That means I'm probably not gonna see you till morning."

"I don't give a fuck." Katsuki's scowl deepened.

"Yeah, I'll miss you too," I smirked, wrapping my hand around the boy's neck to pull him down for a quick kiss. "You gonna be okay? I don't think we've gone more than a few hours without seeing each other recently..."

"I'll be fucking fine, Witch! Don't worry about me." He practically pouted, his arms around my waist tightening.

"All right, I'll see you later, then. You remember what to tell people if they're looking for me?"

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