Chapter 81

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A/n ~ So... how long do you guys want this to be? Like, should I end Twins soon? (Like sometime after the whole thing with Overhall and Eri) I just don't want you guys to think this fic is dragging on or anything... please let me know! <3

"So, when did you and Bakugo get together?"

I choked on my food while Shoto continued to calmly eat his cold soba, ignoring how my face was turning red. The two of us were currently at the mall, having lunch in the food court. Everything courtesy of an unknowing Endeavor, of course.


"When did you two start dating? I'm assuming it was recent."

"What gave you the idea we're dating?" I avoided eye contact, hiding my face behind my cup as I drank some water to help my previous coughing fit.

Shoto didn't respond to my question, just calmly lifted a brow as if to say "Are you really gonna lie to me right now?"

"How'd you figure it out?" I groaned.

"You two kept giving each other weird looks during breakfast. It wasn't that hard to figure out." He shrugged. "What, do you not want people knowing?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, stabbing my (f/f). "We didn't really say if we wanted others to know or not. Actually, we haven't said anything about actual labels, now that I think about it. I just asked him out. Not to be my boyfriend."

"Wait, you asked him out?" Shoto's eyes widened slightly in shock.

"Um, yeah?"

"Jeez. I thought he at least had enough balls to ask you out first." He grumbled, making me laugh.


"What? It's true. Actually, I thought he would have asked a lot sooner."

"Really?" I furrowed my brows, crossing my arms and resting my elbows on the table.

"Yeah. Thought he would figure his feelings out sooner. Guess I was wrong." Shoto shrugged. "So, how'd you ask?"

"Well, we kind of both did," I admitted, then went on to explain a bit of what happened that night, giving very little detail on Izuku and Katsuki's fight.

"Hm. Sounds like something you'd do." Shoto nodded, the two of us standing to throw our trash away before wandering the crowded mall. "So, how are things going with you? Really."

I sighed as I wrapped my arm around Shoto's, my head tilting to the side. "I'm doing as well as I can be, giving everything. I'm still getting nightmares, but they haven't been as recent with Katsuki sleeping with me."


"I didn't mean like that!" I blushed the color of Kirishima's hair, hitting Icy Hot's shoulder. "I've just been spending nights in his room or vice versa. I think it's been helping, just knowing that he's right beside me. I don't have to worry about if something takes him in the middle of the night. I can protect him when he's with me."

"...I know you want to protect him. It makes sense since he was taken away from you. But..." Shoto carefully started, trailing off to find the right words. "It's Bakugo. He can protect himself."

"I know." I nodded. "But I still worry."

Shoto sighed, taking his free hand and placing it on my hand holding his arm. "I know you do. Oh, I almost forgot to ask, how'd patrol go last night?"

"Fine, I guess. Aizawa went with me, though. That overprotective ass. Wouldn't let me do anything fun." I pouted, kicking the air in front of me.

"He just worries. Watching you get hurt on live tv fucked all of us up." He squeezed my hand.

Twins | Bakugo x Y/n MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now