Chapter 7

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After the long walk, I finally got to the address Bakugo sent me. I looked up and realized that he sent me the location of his house. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Right after I heard some yelling from two people inside, one of which was obviously Bakugo. The door soon opened and I was met with a beautiful woman who looked a LOT like my new hot-headed friend.

"Hello sweetie, how can I help you?" The woman asked, smiling. 

'Bakugo didn't say anything about having a sister.' I thought looking at the woman in front of me. She looked so young and her skin almost looked silky smooth.

"Hello, I'm here for Katsuki. He was going to show me where a certain beach was." I smiled back.

"Really?! My son agreed to do that?? You must be special then, he would barely do anything for anyone. Including me!" The woman then opened the door more for me to walk in. "Come in come in. I'll call him down."

Right as I stepped in the doorway, the woman, who is apparently Bakugo's mother, turned her head towards the stairs and started to yell at the top of her lungs.

"Katsuki Bakugo get your ass down here. A girl is here for you!"

"Shut the fuck up you old hag!" Is all I heard back from the explosive boy.

"So, what's your name sweetheart? And what the heck are you doing with my idiot son?" Mrs. Bakugo said, her tone and body language doing a total 180.

"I'm F/n Midoriya. I'm not from around here and I ran into your son while I was having a bit of a hard time. He ended up helping me a lot that day. He's actually helping me again by showing me where a beach is. I'm meeting a friend there but I don't know where it is." I explained. Right as I finished talking, the pomeranian boy came stomping down the stairs.

"You're late dumbass."

"Don't talk to her like that you damn brat!" Mrs. Bakugo yelled, hitting her son on the back of the head.

"Don't hit me you damn hag!!" He screamed back, veins seeming to pop out of his head. Mrs. Bakugo just hit him once more as I was struggling to not laugh at their family dynamic.

"We never truly agreed on a time dummy. I only told you it would take about an hour for me to get here." I said matter-a-factly. Bakugo just scoffed in response.

"Whatever. Let's go." He said, starting to walk towards the door.

"What, you're not going to give me a little tour of your adorable house," I smirked looking around the place. I looked over at Mrs. Bakugo and she was practically beaming at the idea.

"Hell n-"

"Of course, you can get a tour! We don't get a lot of visitors, let alone Katsukis friends!" Mrs. Bakugo said, cutting her son off. She then grabbed my arm and started to show me around the house. It was a very cute place. There were a few pictures of Bakugo on top of the fireplace and a family picture on the wall, and can I just say, Bakugo was a cute ass baby.

When the tour of the main floor was done, Mrs. Bakugo told her son to show me his room and hang out there for a while since I had time till I had to be at the spot Toshi told me to meet him at. There was a bit of yelling between the two, but Bakugo eventually caved and started to go back up the stairs to his room.

Mrs. Bakugo told us that she would be up in a little bit to give us some tea and a snack.

"Thank you for the tour Mrs. Bakugo. It was nice meeting you." I smile at her, about to go up the stairs.

"Oh, it was no problem! It was a pleasure to meet you, and please, call me Mitsuki!"

I just smiled and nodded in response. I don't know why, but I felt safe and calm being at the Bakugo house. I hope I'm able to come back sometime.

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