💋Handsome enemy (Fainnat) - 8💋

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Avneet : do one thing, when you dress for party try to get into wear really sexy costume in Halloween made you look so sexy.

Jannat : Ok but Faisal is not interested in me.

Avneet : don't worry sister, I have solution of my and your problem. I think you wish some romance with Faisal 

Jannat nodded shyly.

Jannat : but I cant approach.

Avneet : I know and I feel Faisal wants that from me.

Jannat : yes, I know I saw him trying to hug you and once try to come close to your cheek to kiss you. (In a jealous tone)

Avneet : yeah but I don't want it. So I have a plan. Tell me what kind of costume you will wear?

Jannat : I don't know you suggest?

Avneet : Well, I thought I would be Catgirl,  What you think? It is favorite of Faisal too.

Jannat : I don't know much about it.

Avneet : yes I know it will be a nice costume. (she replied to herself)

Jannat : Nice.

Avneet texted Faisal that she will be catgirl in Halloween.

That's not exactly the kind of reaction jannat wants from avneet she didn't understood how it help her.

Jannat : thanks for helping me. (In an irritated tone)

Avneet : What's wrong, jannat?

Jannat : this is not gonna help me in anyway I guess you know that? You know Faisal have the hots for you and I am jealous still you gonna wear what Faisal likes.

She realized what she had just said in so louder tone, and jannat look around but no one heard for a moment she was absolutely mortified.

Avneet : calm down I know this from day 1 that you like Faisal.

Jannat is not looking at avneet's eyes right now feeling that What could she possibly be thinking of her right now how desperate she is?

Stay tuned

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