Wake up Call

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I escort Brima on floating sand and begin to fly off. As we are in the air, I notice Brima staring at the city once again.

“Thinking about the city's beauty at night again?” I ask.

“Not this time... I can't help but think... how the thing we've come to love the most... is the thing that will kill us all...” Brima replies quietly.

“We can't think like that, Brima! I'm certain there is a way around even something like this... there's just no way the human race could die to something so easily! We've survived worse tragedies!”

I notice tears running down the side of Brima's cheek, and she tightens her fists. Suddenly she shouts “Open your eyes you fool! It's been several centuries and still not a complete cure has been found! Stop trying to look at the bright side of everything!”

I get a shocked expression and am left speechless. There is a short silence.

“I-I'm sorry about that... using space also brings back some of my 'alternate personality'... it remains that way for a little while...”

“A-ah I see... sorry about that... I was just trying to-”

“S-save it...” Brima interrupts quietly. She doesn't face my way once the entire trip. “Who am I kidding? My alternate personality doesn't come out at all before, during or even after I use space... I was just thinking about him thinking so much about Rina...” Brima thinks to herself.

We finally arrive home and quietly enter the house and walk up the stairs together.

“I-I'll be heading to bed now... I think we need some rest after tonight...” Brima says quietly.

“Y-yeah... good night then...” I reply. I then turn around and walk into my room. Brima stares at me as I walk through my door.

You... fool... when will you respond to my feelings?” She thinks.

The next morning I do the usual preparation and head downstairs. I look around the house for Briaunna, but I see no one. I stand in silence for a few minutes pondering to myself, then Brima walks downstairs and looks at me seriously.

“It's almost time for Beta's speech to the public now” Brima says. I notice something strange in her voice. It's almost as if there isn't even an inch of her shy personality there.

“Brima... you...” I say lowly.

“I think we should get going. We don't want to be late” Brima interrupts.

“Oh... yeah... let's go.”

Before we head out and I make one last check for Briaunna, but don't find her. We exit the house and make our way towards the academy. When we arrive we notice a huge crowd gathered in the back end of the building, so we make our way around there. There is a huge stand in front of the crowd, and there are several elemental users in the crowd, along with regular citizens. Brima quickly walks in front of me and walks through the crowd, shoving anyone that gets in her way. I hesitantly walk behind her with a worried look on my face.

What's going on with her?” I think to myself. Luckily for me she stopped her flow of beta so she wouldn't hear the minds of the thousands of people in the yard, including me.

Brima charges right up to the stand, forcing me to follow behind her. She goes behind the curtains set up behind the stand and looks around impatiently. She notices a man in an overcoat standing not too far away and storms over to him.

“Where is he?” Brima demands.

The man turns around, and it turns out it is Gail, the drill sergeant. “I'm sorry?” Gail asks.

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