Heart Hunter: Part 3

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Adrien grabs Kagami's hand and the two snuggle close to each other with a laugh, Marinette looking away awkwardly. She was really struggling with the idea of Adrien being happy in a relationship that wasn't with her and not being in love with him. "What should we do now?" That's when we hear André sing his tune and we run off to go get his ice cream. Luka and I get our usual flavor and André looks between Adrien, Kagami, and Marinette.

"Which flavors for these two? Orange and peppermint. A perfect pairing that's always a success, nothing could turn it into a mess. For you two blackberry, and peppermint. An explosive mix, that's a fact, but often times it's the opposites that attract. Then there's orange and blackberry. Quite unusual it's true, not the most obvious but it works for you two. So what will it be?" Kagami and Adrien look at Marinette and tell her to pick the flavor.

Marinette anxiously looks between them and André and asks, "Can't you find a blend for the three of us?" "I can try but too many flavors mixed together may throw off the delicate balance," Marinette looks to me for help but I shake my head, she had to make her own choice. This is where she starts ranting. "I dunno, blackberry and peppermint doesn't seem like a great pair, and what if the mint finds the berry lame and wants to be with the orange instead? While it's true that orange and peppermint are awesome together, orange and blackberry just don't seem like they go together," Well that quickly turned into being about her, Kagami, and Adrien's love life. However, the question was would she let Adrien go and let him be happy with whoever he wants to be with? Marinette cuts herself off when she notices Adrien and Kagami holding hands and smiling at each other lovingly, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Marinette frowns at this and sighs before turning to André. "I think your first idea was the best, I'll take the orange and peppermint ice cream for...For my friends here," Was she being serious about this? "Are you sure Marinette?" She nods and starts to leave. "I'm gonna head back, my parents are still waiting for those cocktail umbrellas." "We can go with you," Kagami offers but she declines and runs off, Luka asks me "Did she just let him go?" "I think so...I wasn't expecting her to actually do it," I admit before the four of us go sit down near the river banks to eat our ice cream. 

Just as we started finishing up our ice cream, Kagami was swiped away by Ladybug, that can't be too good. I quickly take off while Luka is distracted, silently apologizing for the millionth time to him, thanks to Hawkmoth's relentlessness I've had to abandon more than my fair share of dates with him, and I feel more and more guilty each time. After transforming I take off after Ladybug to find her de-transforming to feed her kwami and give Kagami her miraculous. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything with...That boy." "You did turn up a little unexpectedly." "The boy's famous, isn't he? You're bound to break a lot of hearts."

"There's only two people I don't want to hurt (y/n) and Marinette. They're the only other friends I have but Adrien and I were made for each other, we're so alike and I can't give him up even for the sake of friendship, I gave Marinette a chance to confess to Adrien but she didn't seize the opportunity." "Sometimes, choices can be so hard..." Marinette trails off so I speak up. "Come on, we've got a mission to do," The two transform and we make our way to Heart Hunter, passing by Chloé as she cries out desperately. "Please! I know I can't have my miraculous back but they're my parents and I want to save them!" I look back for a moment, sad we couldn't give her back the miraculous, honestly we probably need her for this but it was too dangerous for everyone around her. "How nice of you to bring a guest. Ryuko, as amazing and daring as I remember," I hear Chat Noir say as he joins us and I turn my attention back to the goal.

"Nice to see you Chat Noir." "Nice of you to drop in," Ladybug chimes in when Heart Hunter appears before us. "This cat is very much in love," They shoot their lasers at us and we dodge, Ryuko having to activate her power to avoid being eaten. Chat tries to attack with his staff only to get sucked in Heart Hunter's mouth, LB using her yoyo to pull him out before he's completely swallowed.

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