Dearest Family: Part 4

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Befana's candy holder is broken but no akuma flies out so with a kick Befana is shoved into Bakerix, forcing him to trip and let go of his canteen which Ladybug grabs with her yoyo and breaks it. Again no akuma.

"You won't stop me from giving Marinetta all the freedom she needs!" Befana exclaims, shooting her annoying candies at us again.

"No freedom without discipline!" Bakerix yells, joining the fight before Weredad and Qilin shout out their arguments.

"She's my baby to protect!"

"Marinette is old enough to know what's right for her!"

We continue to dodge their attacks, looking over each one for any other objects that could be holding the akuma.

"It has to be in an object that's the same for all four villains," LB exclaims before summoning her lucky charm, and a king's crown is given to her.

"A crown...Of course! The akuma's in the galette at home!"

"At home?" Chat questions, looking at Ladybug in confusion."

"Uh- What I meant was at their home. They must've been eating galette as a family so the akuma must be there. Stop them from following me."

She takes off and we both groan, two against four was not looking good already. That was true as we couldn't hold them back for long. This resulted in us holding the door shut from the four while Ladybug got the galette and handed it to Chat.

"Special delivery."

"Why thank you. Oh look, I got the charm. That makes me the king. Cataclysm," He cataclysms the charm and a large purple and black akuma flies out.

"What the-" The three of us ask in unison as it flies around the room.

"A more powerful akuma...That's how he broke the magical charms. No more evil-doing for you big butterfly. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!" She de-evilizes it with ease.

"Hey look there's an extra crown. What do you say we tule this town together? The three of us," Chat says, putting on a crown and handing me the other.

"With pleasure Kitty cat. Tradition is tradition."

We wear the crowns while we pound it before LB takes hers off to activate the magical ladybugs.

Ladybug frowns at the Dupain-Cheng family and Chat asks "What's up? Why aren't you giving them their magical charms?"

"Shadowmoth found a way to break them so if they don't work there's no point in giving them..."

"Then upgrade them to fight against Megakumas," Chat suggests and I cross my arms, shaking my head.

"It's not as simple as that. Even if she did that who's to say Shadowmoth won't figure out how to create an akuma to counter the new magical charm? We can't keep up this song and dance of one-upping each other or we'll never defeat him. So if she's gonna upgrade the magical charms it needs to be one and done and block everything he could send."

"(s/n)! That's a great idea!" Ladybug says with a smile. "I'll just make it where the magical charm will ward off any miraculous powers that are being misused!" She closes her eyes to focus and her suit lights up again as she pulls for glowing pink magical charms.

Placing them in the hands of their respective owners, the glow dies down to reveal their designs for each person.

"I'm sorry the last magical charms I gave you didn't help but these improved ones will be able to protect you from now on and maybe help you eat your galette in peace."

After de-transforming safely in our room and Marinette starts handing the kwamiis a piece of galette.

"We actually get to try it?"

"Yes. Tikki's learned to control herself," Regardless everyone snatches a piece and flies away.

"I'm sorry Marinette, (y/n). I thought I'd never have one of those craving episodes again but the galette your family created was like nothing I've ever tasted before."

"So what are we gonna do for next year's galette day?" I tease.

"I've been thinking and if I eat a little galette every day I'll be able to control myself."

I rolled my eyes in amusement before we were summoned down to discuss the motorcycle.

"I'm sorry Marinetta we all kept arguing about this bike but completely forgot to ask you how you feel about it."

"I appreciate the bike Grandma and it will be awesome in a few years when I'm old enough for one and have my license. But for now, an alternative would be an electric mini-scooter," Another argument broke out but less heated, and in the end Marinette was given the scooter which would be exchanged out for the motorcycle once she had her license. 

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