Truth & Lies: Part 2

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"I can't believe they're showing it again it was so silly fifteen years ago, it can't be any better now," Tom laughs and Sabine chuckles. "Honey it was his first movie, think about your first baguette, it was pretty bad too." "The movie might be a bit mindless but (y/n) and I love him so much we swore we'd see it together," Luka says and I finally remember what we're going to go see. "Oh right! We're going to see Crocodile Heart Jagged Stone's first movie!" "Did you forget?" Luka asks me teasingly and I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "I had a blank on it. Now let's go before something else comes up," I say, grabbing Luka's hand and leading him out.

On the way to the cinema Luka and I started playing our makeshift game of finishing the Jagged Stone movie quote. "You are...You are..." He gives me the hint and I try to remember the quote. "You are...The popcorn of my life?" I ask and he shakes his head while collecting our tickets. "Ooo close. It's the doughnut of my life." "Right the doughnut that was featured on the Candy Apple album, that's one of my favorites, two points for you," I say, paying for our drinks and he gives me another quote. "Here's another one: I gave up everything..." "But my dreams," I quickly finish the quote. "Nice, another point for you." "My turn. My guitar..." "Is my only family. Featured on the Alone on the Road content. I love that song," He quickly answers as we take our seats. "Wow, twenty points to twelve. Blueberry you are officially Jagged Stone's number one fan and you've earned a prize. Happy anniversary my sweet blueberry," I hand him his present and he opens it to reveal a guitar pick locket with a photo of us in it and a small notebook connected to a keychain that had multiple photos of us throughout the one year of us dating.

"Thank you mon amour. The rules are clear, this gift entitles you to a second round: Under the moonlight by the sea..." He trails off and looks at me expectantly as I try to remember the rest. "Don't tell me it's on the tip of my tongue...I know! It's his very first song: Under the moonlight by the sea, kiss me!" I exclaim excitedly, getting a little loud and I quickly apologize to everyone else. "Alright if you want to, I'm always happy to please my lady," Luka tells me with a wink and I blush. "I do," We kiss but stop when the roof abruptly begins to shake. Are you kidding me? Can't Hawkmoth take one day off from akumatizing people? "What was that?" Luka asks, pulling back and I frown. I'm so so sorry to do this to you Blueberry, especially on our anniversary. "I'll be right back, I wanna use the bathroom before the movie starts," I quickly run to the bathroom to transform when Flaake raises an eyebrow.

"You're gonna leave Luka all alone?" "What am I supposed to tell him Flaake? 'Gotta go, Paris needs (s/n). Be back soon!'? Now that Marinette, Adrien, and I are the guardians we need to keep our identities secret more than ever and can't ignore an akumatization. Flaake Freeze!" I transform and head to Montrapanasse Tower where Mr. Pigeon is attacking yet again. When I reach the roof I find Ladybug throwing Chat Noir off the building before catching him with her yoyo and pulling him up.

"Cut it out with the practical jokes, you could've been hurt." "M'lady the only thing that really hurts is when you make me do patrol on my own." "Sorry kitty cat I'm a bit over my head trying to figure the guardian role out." "I bet. Being the guardian has a bunch of responsibilities but don't forget I'm also a guardian and I can help if you need it." "Thanks, I promise I won't forget our patrols again the Miracle box just surprised me today is all. I'll tell you about it later." "Cool, can we hurry this up, I've got a date to get back to," I interject and the two nod as we quickly take care of Mr. Pigeon.

"I'm here! Sorry, turns out there was an akuma attack and I had to stay in the bathroom. Good thing the heroes took care of it," I lie to Luka as I begin to settle into my seat when I notice the credits rolling and the lights turn on. No! You've gotta be kidding me! "It's over already? I'm so sorry Luka." "It's alright, come on, let's go get some ice cream," After a bit of searching we find André's ice cream stand and get our usual and Luka gives me my anniversary gift: a 3D heart-shaped light that reads ' 1 year down. Forever to go. It had our names and our anniversary date at the bottom. However, before we could enjoy the ice cream I noticed a couple of streets down the lollipop sentimonster was back. Hawkmoth already attacked today he has to do it again? I try to ignore figuring Ladybug and Chat could handle it but it wasn't long before they were spam-texting me to help "Marinette's freaking out about a project, I've gotta make a call to help her. I'll be quick!" I exclaim running off after handing over the ice cream and running off to help deal with the situation.

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