Luka Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Oh welcome Luka, are you here for (y/n)?" Sabine asks as I enter the apartment and I nod. "If she has time this week for a date." "Well she and Marinette have been stuck in their room all weekend, they both could use a break," Tom says, grabbing some game controllers and we make our way up.

"Marinette, Ultimate Mega Strike Tournament time!" Tom exclaims happily, holding up controllers and I send (y/n) a smile as I ask her if she is ready for this week's date. "Video games? It's been so long since I last played video games..." Mari mumbles and (y/n) lets out a small groan before telling us "We can't...With everything going on this week and next week. There's no choice, we have to say no," Marinette nods in agreement, and Tom and I voice our concerns. "No? But Marinette, playing is like that little pinch of salt in the baguette that makes life tastier." "But (y/n) I haven't seen or heard from you for a week..."

"Dad I've got so many cakes baking in the oven right now, they're all on the verge of getting burnt. No amount of salt will fix that." "I'm sorry Luka, I just don't have the time to take a break but I'll make it up to you later," (y/n) promises yet again and I sigh under my breath while Tom tells them, "Ok well watch your pies you two, it's bubbling all over your cinnamon flans."

We head back down and Sabine asks, "Are they coming down?" We both shake our heads and Tom asks, "Why does she have to grow so fast?" "It's a part of life. Best of three does the laundry?" Sabine suggests and they rush to the couch to play. (this is how I'm settling tasks from now on XD) "Goodbye you two," I say and Sabine asks, "Do you want to play with us?" I shake my head no. "Thank you but I think I'm just gonna head home, have fun," I head out and let out another sigh, looking up to where (y/n)'s room is and her words echo in my head.

I'm sorry Luka, I just don't have the time to take a break but I'll make it up to you later. It seems that's all I hear from her these days, it's like all of a sudden she's been shouldered with more and more responsibilities and has no time for an actual life or any time to spend with me, even going so far as bailing on a few dates because she had a homework assignment she forgot about or promised to help in the bakery with the same old promise to make it up later only to bail out of once again, it was getting old.

I take a deep breath, it's fine, she's just really busy right now and once things calm down she'll have more time to hang out, I just need to be patient, that's all. "Thought you were going on a date with (y/n) today," Mom says as I get home. "She doesn't have time." "She never seems to have time, you should talk to her about it." "It's alright Mom, I just need to be patient."

The next day I head back over with Kitty Section to get our new t-shirts fitted. "The last one is done!" Mari exclaims happily when suddenly I disappear into a black box and I watch in horror as I turn back into Silencer-

I gasp as I'm suddenly returned to Marinette and (y/n)'s room and we look at each other confused when the memory of me fighting (y/n)- no The Violinist and losing pops up, the guys describing their own fighting memories. I turn to ask (y/n) if she had these memories as well but she was gone and I purse my lips, that girl was too good at disappearing on the fly. Kitty Section leaves and I offer to help at the bakery letting them know I just wanted to make sure (y/n) got home safe before I head back.

We hear the bell at the door ring and in walks Marinette and (y/n). "Mom, Dad, I know (y/n) and don't have a lot of time to play with you guys these days but Max does and he has a video game he made that needs to be tested with tons of bugs in it," Her parents get excited and drag Max upstairs to play. I had to admit it sounded like a fun game, I turn to (y/n) and ask, "I'm guessing you don't have time to play?" "I think some of my assignments can wait," She responds, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs to play where after a couple of matches she offers to go to our cafe afterward. Hopefully, this means she'll have more time to hang out now.

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