Ladybug: Part 2

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Marinette and I audibly gasp in dismay and disbelief. This couldn't be happening. I take in a couple of deep breaths to try and calm down as upsetting as this situation was I can't let it get the better of me. I start to get a hold of my emotions as we start to leave but the minute the door opens I start to panic as multiple red akumas come flying in akumatizing Marinette, her parents, and most of the class. I see an akuma come for me and quickly remember the counter spell I'd been working on with Master Fu, please let this work. I position my fingers the way they were supposed to and start muttering "My anger is my own. My anger does not control me," I begin to calm down again and the akuma flies away from me and I sigh in relief before noticing Marinette reaching for her earrings. No! Quickly I grab her hands and pull them away, a minute later everyone is de-akumatized as the akumas purify themselves and everyone looks around confused. 

Back at home, Tikki was chewing into Marinette about almost getting akumatized and almost handing over the miraculous to Hawkmoth. "Then there'd be no more Ladybug end of story. I know," She mumbles into her pillow. "Exactly, and that can't happen." "Don't worry Tikki I won't let Hawkmoth or Lila win. I'm gonna prove our innocence. If only Alya could help..." "She can. She's still attending school so she can figure out what happened." "True and she must believe you're innocent she was one of the few that wasn't akumatized," Flaake chimes in. "You're right!" Marinette exclaims happily, pulling out her phone to call Alya before turning to me. "I thought you weren't gonna talk to me anymore, does this mean we're friends again?" "Have you moved on from Adrien?" I ask, crossing my arms and she looks away from me so I shake my head no.

"Then no. I told you, I wouldn't be your friend until you've moved on from him but considering the current situation we need to work together so until this situation is resolved I'm willing to talk to you." She gives me a small smile and calls Alya. "So let's recap. You're both accused of stealing and copying answers to the mock exam, evidence being the paper with the answers and a copy of them in your school bags. You're also accused of pushing Lila down the stairs, no one witnessed the actual incident and it was out of the security camera's view but everyone did see Lila at the bottom of the staircase and you two at the top. You're also accused of stealing Lila's necklace and bracelets which was too evidence found inside your lockers. Finally Marinette you have a motive. We all know for a fact that you've hated Lila from day one because she hangs around Adrien," Alya sums up when I ask. "What about me? Me not liking Lila is a motive by that logic because I didn't like Chloé I've picked on her too." "Your motive is tricker but if I see this through Mr. Damocles's eyes he wouldn't know that you two aren't friends anymore and assume that you did it for the same reasons as Marinette."

"So glad we called you, thanks for the support," I lightly sarcastically droll. "I believe you both, I consider both of you my best friends even now. But the evidence is stacked against you. The good thing is the world's greatest reporters always seek the truth so I'm gonna prove your innocence. First off a culprit always leaves clues. That's a given and by following these clues it will lead us to-" "Lila!" Marinette finishes Alya's sentence and she groans. "No! To the guilty party. If you're so quick to accuse Lila you might just overlook a potential suspect. Whoever it was had to have touched your lockers when they put the jewelry in them so I'm gonna go check for fingerprints." "Thanks, Alya," We both thank her when Sabine pops her head up. "Marinette, (y/n) can we have a word?"

We head down to the bakery and Tom and Sabine give it to us straight. "Marinette, (y/n) we love you both but this whole thing has gotten very complicated, and until we've found a new school for you and figure out what needs to be done now that (y/n)'s lost her scholarship we've decided you should help with the bakery." "But Mom, Dad, we didn't do anything. If we have to spend all our time helping in the bakery how are we supposed to prove we're innocent?" "It's fun here in the bakery," Tom says, handing us both an apron and I frown. This was not good I needed to prove our innocence and get my scholarship back before I'm sent back home. I couldn't and didn't want to leave there was still so much to do, like learn more spells with Master Fu now that I'd tried out the akuma counterspell for all we knew there was a spell to track the miraculous. 

Heck, how would I even tell Master Fu that I have to give up my miraculous because of this whole mess? I can't even worry about all this because I'm stuck baking flaky pastries and cookies with Marinette and Tom. "Always make sure you've got your right angles, see? Then you fold the pastry, folded toward first, about two-thirds of the way," Tom instructs us and we start doing the same when Marinette's phone rings. It was Alya. "Can I please answer?" He walks over, declines the call, and turns our phones off. "We're not done with our flaky pastry yet," We both let out a sigh as we continue making the pastry.

After that, we start working on some chocolate croissants when a customer gasps. "Ladybug is fighting a peacock villain at Arc de Triomphe! Why isn't Chat Noir and (s/n) with her?" This catches our attention and we exchange confused looks before whispering to each other. "What's this about Ladybug and Mayura?" "Has to be another one of Hawkmoth's traps. We need to get there before Chat gets tricked," I say soon looking around and eyeing the bags of flour. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" "Yeah," We make a small commotion about spilling flour and both of us getting covered in it. "Oh I'm such a clutz, can we go change Dad?" "No need sweetie. A good baker is never afraid to get dirty. Go change after you ice these cookies," Tom tells us, handing us both a tray of cookies. Grabbing the icing back we quickly get to work, there was no time to waste!




Chat Noir had arrived on the scene much too quickly and witnessed what he thought was Ladybug getting hurt while Mayura ran off. "Chat Noir I don't feel so good," The fake Ladybug exclaims as she fell in Chat's arms. "Something's wrong we're supposed to be nearly invulnerable," Ladybug pulls Chat Noir closer, begging him not to leave her. "Ladybug what's going on?" "I've gone out of my way to hide my true feelings for you but I can't do it anymore..." "What? But you said you loved somebody else." "It's over with them and after all this time I've realized you're always here for me even when I kept rejecting you and my feelings for you have grown stronger every day."

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