Chat Blanc: Part 2

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Bunnyx hops back into burrow with a satisfactory smirk as she approaches one of the many openings and watches everything play out just to be on the safe side. She watches as Marinette runs back to the girls excitedly exclaiming how she finally did it and the girls celebrate. Next was Adrien who after a couple of days of thinking it over decided to break it off with Kagami to be with Marinette who he had fallen back in love with after coming to terms that Marinette was Ladybug and realized he loved her for who she was.

From there she checked a bit farther to the two being a very happy couple, even making the news. Satisfied with what she saw, she starts to look for her next destination when she watches in shock as her hand starts to fizz out of existence. Panicking a bit Bunnyx quickly gets to work trying to find out what happened soon stumbling upon a destroyed Paris. Confused she enters through this burrow to find most of the city underwater, the Eiffel Tower was knocked over, the moon was cracked and shattered, and there was not a single soul to be seen. "W-what happened?" Bunnyx asked, looking around her destroyed home in distraught when she hears a familiar voice behind her. "Bunnyx? Is that you?" She turns around and her eyes widen to see Chat Noir except his suit, and hair was white, eyes ice blue. "Kitty Noir? What happened to you?"

"I was left with a giant gaping hole in my heart that can't be fixed unless..." "Unless what?" Bunnyx asks, her instincts kicking in just as he jumped at her. "You give me your miraculous and I can go back and fix everything!" Bunnyx jumped out of the way and into her burrow, panicking slightly as her hand fizzes out yet again. How did this happen? Quickly she gets to work, trying to find the cause of this. Eventually, she found the cause: Gabriel Agreste who had ordered Marinette to break up with Adrien because she was detrimental to the Agreste brand, and if she didn't Adrien would be pulled from school, leading Marinette to break up with him at his house, and almost be akumatized. This is where Adrien revealed to her that he was Chat Noir and he knew she was Ladybug by using a cataclysm to destroy the akuma. Hawkmoth found out, they figured out where Hawkmoth was, and he revealed why he was doing all this, sending Adrien to go spiraling in his emotions leading him to be akumatized and confused on what to do, destroying all of Paris. 

"But how did he know her identity to begin with?" Bunnyx asks, going farther back, soon realizing that because she told Marinette to sign the card, Adrien saw her and put two and two together leading up to the rise of Chat Blanc. She had to go back and stop Marinette from signing the present before she faded out of existence just like Mélina.




Just as Ladybug signed the present, Bunnyx re-appears just as quickly as she had left. "Don't sign that present!" "But you just told her to do it, not even a minute ago," I point out, arching an eyebrow in confusion. "I was wrong, her signing that gift will lead to Chat Noir getting akumatized and destroying Paris!" Bunnyx blurts out, soon covering her mouth as if she had said too much. "From me signing a gift? No way, that would never happen," Ladybug says skeptically when Bunnyx angrily grabs her arm and drags her into her burrow, and I quickly jump in, soon looking around in awe. Bunnyx walks up to one of the time portals and touches it, time shifting from that portal as Ladybug and I look around, soon looking through other portals into the past and future when Bunnyx runs up and throws a metal bowl over our heads.

"What's this for?" Ladybug asks and Bunnyx responds with her own question: "Do you wanna know what you're getting for your next birthday?" (Considering it's next month, a little not gonna lie) We both shake our heads. "Exactly." "Does that mean you know about all your birthday presents?" I ask and she responds with, "I know about some of them. I messed up Ladybug I interfered with the past/ present events and I had the same thoughts as you: what could be the harm? But the consequences are really serious. The future is in danger, this is why you can't sign that gift."

The bowls come off and we peer through the time portal to see a destroyed Paris...Half of it was underwater, the Effiel Tower had fallen, and the moon was broken. "What happened?" "Him," She points to Chat Noir who looked very different. "Bunnyx said he was akumatized..." Ladybug trails off. "That's why you can't sign that gift-" Bunnyx starts to say when LB and I jump through the portal before Bunnyx could stop us. We had to help Chat no matter what.

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