Crocoduel: Part 1

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I look out the window and sigh as I continue helping Marinette with her latest fashion project. Right now a Kitty Section practice was going on and I wanted to be there but Marinette had asked me for help. "(y/n) please hold the fabric still," Mari says and I lift the fabric back up, I had accidentally let it droop a bit. 

"Remind me why this couldn't have waited till after Kitty Section's practice was over?" I ask and Mari jumps a little. "Cuz the client wants this done as soon as possible," I roll my eyes at her, yeah right. Alya comes by a little later and tells us for Juleka's birthday this weekend we were gonna throw a party on the houseboat. "A party on the houseboat for Juleka's birthday? Sounds fun," I say happily, there's no way I'd miss and this would be perfect to see if I've moved on from the breakup.

Marinette starts glaring at Alya. "Wait a minute Alya Césaire, we were supposed to go to the movies for Juleka's birthday but now we're having a party on the houseboat, and since Luka is Juleka's twin it's also his birthday, meaning it'll be his party too and he'll be there. You thought we wouldn't figure that out until we ended up on the houseboat with him and since it's in the river there'd be no way of leaving and (y/n) would be forced to talk to him. It's a trap!"

"Ok, you got me, you're good." "Alya you can't do this to her." "No, (y/n) can't do this to Luka. You've been avoiding him for too long. You have to talk to him, just because you're not together doesn't mean you can't be friends, isn't that what you wanted?" Alya points out and I nod, it was what I wanted but Marinette kept interfering when she heard what happened at Harry Clown show and that I wasn't ready to see Luka she of course put it upon herself to make sure we never saw each other if it wasn't for some cause and any time I've tried to talk to her about it she'd reassure me that I wouldn't have to see Luka anytime soon.

"Yes, I do-" I start to say when Mari continues to argue "But it'll be so akward, he's in love with her and she can't be with him because he just ends up getting hurt in the end because she'll never be able to tell him she's (s/n)." "But avoiding him like the plague is overdoing it." "He got akumatized twice and she blames herself for that." "Things are different now if he gets akumatized Ladybug can give him a magical charm he'll be safe and they can at least be friends again!"

They continued to argue as if I wasn't there when I interrupted. "Excuse me but it's my decision, Alya's right I can't keep doing this, it isn't helping either of us. I'll go to the party, I'm tired of avoiding him," Alya claps in excitement while Mari frowns and I shake my head at her, she better not try anything to prevent this from happening.

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