Psychomedian: Part 1

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It was lunch time and all of us girls had gathered together where Marinette had told them what Kagami had told her. "Seriously girls I've thought it over so many times, I mean how can I love Adrien and not love him at the same time?" "She might've meant that some feelings never went away and you don't want them to come out because you used to be such a mess about it," Alya says soon bringing up back when she struggled to even give Adrien the scarf she had made him for his birthday.

"No doubt one of your best Marinette moments ever." "At least she got better talking to him at least until she had to ask him out," Alix teases, reminding us of the time she dragged us into this super complicated plan to ask out Adrien but stumbled over her words last minute. "And then I became a terrible person over him..." Mari trails off, bonking her head on the table causing us to have to catch somethings from her tray. 

"Yeah but you corrected that behavior and now today you and Adrien are good friends," Mylène reassures her when Rose chimes in. "Now because of that if you fall for him again it'll because you love him for him and I've found that you can't have love without friendship," Rose places her hand over Juleka's and the two nuzzle their noses together and I smile at them, happy that they took the courage to tell us they were a couple.

We finish eating and head to the courtyard for the rest of our break where Marinette continues the topic. "When it comes to Adrien I don't want my focus to be whether or not I have feelings for him instead I'd rather show him that I'm his friend and will be there for him, am willing to help take a stand against his father when needed, and most importantly be able to bring a smile to his face," She starts rambling, and using her wild and big gestures, and almost falling in the process. I shake my head as I tell her "Marinette you already do those things for him and if you really want him to know all that just go up and tell him point-blank, sometimes words have a bigger impact than some great big gesture to get the point across."

The conversation slightly stops when we hear across from us Adrien and Nino laughing. "I've always loved Nino's sense of humor," Alya comments, and Mari's eyes light up. "That's it. The perfect way to bring a smile to Adrien's face is to make him laugh."

Marinette sticks to this idea because after school she asks Nino what Adrien was laughing at. "It was Harry Clown's sketch about cafeteria food, you heard of him?" "Of course, my family's a big fan. He comes to buy bread at my parent's bakery at 5pm which is right now! Thanks Nino bye!" Marinette rushes home while I follow behind at a nice walking pace.

When I walk through the doors Marinette is asking Harry when his last performance in town was and that she wanted to bring Adrien to the show to make him laugh because she heard he was a big fan of his and wanted to make him happy by taking him to a show. "It's alright, I'm sure his father wouldn't have allowed him to go anyway." "I wouldn't say that, I know Gabey pretty well and can convince him." "Gabey?" Mari and I ask in unison and he nods. "He designed the french fry costume for my first act years ago," Harry explains, showing an image of a simple french fry costume.

"Gabriel Agreste designed that?" Marinette asks in disbelief before adding in: "You're friends with Adrien's father?!" "Yep, I'll talk with him and have three front-row tickets for you, him, and (y/n)," I give him a confused look, I never asked to go, I actually wasn't a fan of his jokes and thought the nose honk was a very overused gag especially since he'd been doing it while having this conversation as well. The only reason I would go would be for Luka since Luka was a fan of Harry Clown but that wouldn't be happening any time soon.

I go to protest when Mari gives me the baby doll eyes look but I cut her off before she can beg, knowing she wouldn't leave me alone till I agreed. "Fine." "Thank you, to both of you

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