Destruction: Part 1

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Marinette and I sit in our room having returned home around an hour after Chat Noir, Ladybug, and I argued with Master Su-Han. For the moment we convinced him not to take away our miraculous. But now we were left waiting, expecting it to be a long night depending on what Monarch does. Alya had come by and is going to stay the night with us, demanding that we forget about what happened for now and relax but we couldn't. With the city scared of the future pretty much everyone was a prime victim of akumatization which meant we had to keep a lookout. Quietly Marinette pulls up the latest post on the Ladyblog, and we both wince to hear how loud her volume is, nervously looking at the floor door as she turns it down.

"Now that Shadowmoth has stolen almost every miraculous and now calls himself Monarch and has multiple powers that leaves the question: What is he planning?" 

"Marinette! (y/n)!" We hear Alya behind us and she scolds us in a teasing manner. "What did I tell you?"

"The video launched itself..." Mari instinctively throws an excuse.

"Uh-huh. I'm gonna bring some fruit with your tea. Just wait for me and think of something else," She heads back downstairs.

"Make it coffee!" I call out to her as she leaves before sighing, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Who am I kidding? There's not enough coffee or sarcastic comments to deal with this dumpster fire of a situation."

Mari nods in agreement before playing the video again.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), be super careful."

Checking other social media as expected Paris wasn't doing well but from the looks of it at least no one was getting akumatized.

"You do realize overthinking is unhealthy right?" Flaake asks with a slight smirk.

"Yeah, but it's hard to think about anything else and Monarch having the miraculous isn't the only thing to worry about," I mutter quietly, looking at a photo of me and Luka on my bulletin board.

I haven't talked to Luka since he revealed he knew not only my secret identity but Ladybug and Chat Noir's as well. Questions were swarming my head. How long has he known? How did he find out? Why did he wait till now to tell me? Why hasn't he told them? Is this gonna put him in more danger? Where does this leave us? Knowing how he's been lately voicing what he wants more I don't doubt he might push for us to start dating again...He now knows why I had to break it off and I can already hear him swearing up and downhill he's gonna get upset but still that's not fair to him and again would that put him in more danger? There's too many questions to ask and figure out.

"True but overthinking it instead of communicating is helping how?" She again teases and I huff in amusement, grateful for her attempts to try and cheer me up.

Before I could respond a portal opens and Monarch steps through with the kwamiis right behind him.

"Monarch?!" I ask in a panic, catching Marinette's attention as she looks down from her bed.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng? (y/n) (l/n)?" He asks, looking between us.

"What do you want?" I asked cautiously but was ignored as he turned to the kwamiis asking if they were sure.

"Yes. Now ask her for the gift."

"What gift?"

"You have to ask Marinette Dupain-Cheng for the gift that Ladybug gave her," Ziggy explains before Xuppu explains what a gift is.

"Quiet! You. Do you have a gift for me?" Monarch asks, narrowing his eyes at Marinette. 

"Yes. The gift Ladybug gave me," She starts to climb down from her bed and he points the spinning top at her.

"No sudden moves."

She cautiously walks to her desk, tripping over her chair and making him more paranoid.

"She's just clumsy!" I shout, stepping in front of her in case he chooses to shoot.

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