United HeroeZ (New York Special): Part 2

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We were on our way to the airport via bus, Alya freaking out because Marinette wasn't on the bus due to sleeping in. Knowing her she'd find a way to catch up though, which proves true when Alya points out the window and exclaims, "Look, it's Marinette!" She was catching a bike ride from one of her other friends and we pull over to let her on before heading to the airport once again. It wasn't long before we were all boarding the plane and getting into our seats when Marinette broads the plane looking for her seat, Adrien soon jumping up. "Hey, Marinette! What's your seat number?" "B-baby- B-B- 32 B," She stutters as Adrien takes her bag and he smiles brightly, "Great, you're sitting next to me!" Her jaw drops and I frown, still not liking the idea of Marinette anywhere near Adrien but since the school paid for and picked the seats there wasn't much I could do.

"Awesome, Marinette, go and sit next to your friend so you two can enjoy a nice flight together, a very long flight," Alya teases and Marinette chuckles nervously as she mutters "Next to my husband...I mean friend!" "That's not a problem, after all, you've moved on from Adrien right?" I sarcastically droll and she sends me a nervous smile and nods. "Not a problem," It wasn't long before she began freaking out, putting her and Adrien in a compromising position due to her antics causing her to run to Alya in a panic, begging for help.

"Help Alya, I can't sit next to him, I think I need some more training on just being his friend." "There's still time to get off the plane because New York is the most romantic city in the world after Paris obviously. New York is like carriage rides with pretty white horses, little dogs, and kittens on your lap, the sun setting over Central Park, the ferry to Liberty Island," Alya says, only freaking Marinette out more. (Alya you're a liar, I looked it up for the fun of it and no website has New York listed as romantic, it's either a bunch of beaches in California or islands/ beaches in Hawaii at least for the U.S.) "What's going on?" Ms. Mendeleiev asks, noticing the ruckus and I answer her. "Marinette gets air sick and it'd be better if she was at the center of the plane so I'm offering her my seat," Marinette frowns at me but I ignore her since this is what she's been doing since I've been keeping her away from Adrien.

"Out of the question. Each student is to keep the seat they've been assigned," Ms. Mendeleiev says and everyone protests, making her change her mind and without a word, I walk past Marinette and sit next to Adrien, Marinette sadly trudging to my seat, knowing full well I wouldn't give the seat back. "It's a shame she gets air sick, I wanted to thank her for convincing my father for letting me come," Adrien says and I reassure him that he'll get to thank her later. "You'll get to later but on a side note," I glance around to make sure nobody is listening before I whisper, "Did you tell Ladybug, you also wouldn't be in Paris?" "No, there wasn't any time too. But don't worry if something happens the akuma alert will let us know, I'll quickly fly back as Astrocat and summon her," This time he reassures me, it sounded like an ok plan but you never knew. "Alright then if you think that'll work," I say, settling in for the long flight.

I jostle awake from my nap from Adrien trying to scoot past trying to get to the bathroom when some turbulence suddenly came about and I look back to make sure he was ok to see him steadying Marinette before looking out the window and watching the sunset. I hear some mumbling and look ahead to see Alya and Nino talking and I sigh, probably coming up with a plan to try and get those two together, completely ignoring the fact Adrien's in a relationship...

Suddenly the plane jostles, it was more than just turbulence this time, Alya soon yelled, "It's Techno Pirate! A supervillain that steals technology!" The plane starts to dip when suddenly we hear a robotic voice coming through the speaker. "Don't worry sweethearts, we have the situation under control. Dear passengers United HeroeZ are here to protect you," This is where Alya begins to squeal that it was Uncanny Valley, soon looking out the window for Majestia who was keeping the plane steady. We all watch as Techno Pirate steals an engine and throws a bomb at Uncanny Valley which is blown away by Majestia and explodes safely out of the way. It wasn't long before Knightowl and Sparrow got involved, help fix the plane and capture Techno Pirate, and fly off, welcoming us to the United States. "Good thing the American superheroes took care of it, I wouldn't have been able to transform since I'm supposed to be in Paris," Adrien mumbles, Plagg shrugging it off.

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