Strikeback: Part 4

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Things only get worse when her yoyo suddenly disappears and Ladybug starts hyperventilating slowly falling into a panic attack.

"The ball...Of the dog...Félix...He has the yoyo...He has the miraculous..." She gasps as she begins to quiver and begins gasping for breath.

Adrien and I exchange looks before Adrien gently grabs her wrists and pulls them down to talk to her.

"Ladybug try to remain calm and think there has to be a way to get your yoyo back."

"If I try transforming back-" She starts to say when Adrien shoves her into the bathroom.

"Go ahead, I won't look."

"But I don't know anymore. What if it's a trap? What if you're Félix?"

"Ladybug! This isn't the time to let your anxious thoughts consume you. Trust him and even if this is Félix I'll take care of him," I reassure her before slamming the door to let her do her thing.

That's when my brain kicks in with the reminder that I also have a portal to the miraculous. Quickly I open it up and start digging for any of them. My face drops in terror as I feel nothing inside, my own hands beginning to shake and my mouth goes dry as I try to tell Adrien they are gone. Adrien then turns to the bathroom and opens it to reveal Ladybug is gone.

"Ladybug!" I call out running out of the room into the city to find her not realizing my own anxious thoughts beginning to consume my mind causing me to miss a landing and fall.

Looking up I saw I was at the bridge Luka liked to go to so I hid under there and de-transform.

"(y/n) it's gonna be ok, we're gonna figure things out," Flaake tries to reassure me as I focus on my breathing, wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my forehead on my arms.

"Is it though Flaake? All the miraculous have been lost to Félix and who knows what he'll do. Considering the last time we saw him he tried to strike a deal with Shadowmoth he'll probably end up giving it to him," I begin to rant all my fears of what's going to happen when Flaake hides and I hear a familiar voice.

"(y/n)? (y/n)! Hey, are you ok? What's wrong?" Luka asks kneeling before me and I tense up. "Hey. Look at me."

I feel his hands on the sides of my head and gently lifted my face, his hands sliding down to cup my face.

"I need you to tell me what's wrong so I can help ok? I'm right here and everything's gonna be ok," He reassures me in a hushed tone and I feel tears pricking my eyes.

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him so badly that I'd just failed Paris, I'd just failed him. I had promised to protect them and now here we were with who knows who had fifteen miraculous and if it was Shadowmoth? That would be seventeen out of twenty miraculous. Guilt starts to wash over me as I look at Luka's concerned face and begin crying harder than I already was and he pulls me into a hug, rubbing gentle circles on my back and petting my hair as he tries to soothe me. Suddenly Shadowmoth's laugh rings through the air catching our attention and we look into the sunshower sky as his butterfly face appears with sixteen miraculous logos surrounding him while being protected by Shelter.

"People of Paris Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) promised to protect you? Well, they let you down as you can see! I took all the miraculous from them! Now I am more powerful than ever! From now on I will be attacking you relentlessly! I will be everywhere probing your thoughts, stealing your dreams, harnessing your deepest fears. Whatever damage I can cause I will not stop unless somebody can get me Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)'s miraculous!" Shadowmoth bellows and Luka glares at the man before looking at me.

"No...No, no, no, no, no, no," I mutter under my breath as I begin to spiral when Luka grabs my face again to make me look at him.

"You're going to get through this just like you, Ladybug and Chat Noir have always done. You can do this."

"W-what are you talking about?" I ask, my mind goes seventy-five miles per second.

"I'm talking about you the bravest woman I know who has done so much and had to put up with so much, can do this and defeat Shadowmoth. I believe in you...(s/n)."

My eyes widen and I look at him in shock. "What did you just...You know my secret identity?"

He gives me a small smile and nods. "Yeah and Ladybug, and Chat Noir's. But you don't have to deal with that for now. There's a bug you need to squash," He gives me a confident smirk as he helps me up.

I look at Shadowmoth before looking at him before wiping my tears. He was right, we could do this. Shadowmoth couldn't defeat us with one miraculous so how can he expect to with the rest of them? I pull Luka in for a tight hug, nuzzling into his chest as I whisper to him.

"Thank you, Luka."

"You're welcome (y/n)."

I pull back and return the confident smile. "Flaake Freeze."

Transforming I catch up with Chat and we find Ladybug crying as she yells at herself.

"I've lost everything!"

"No. You haven't lost us," Chat says, catching her attention as he steps onto the ledge with her.

She turns to me when I do the same and hiccups at us. "Why don't you just give up on me? I've lost all the miraculous and am the worst guardian ever! I wanted to control everything, I didn't listen to you, I lied to you, I kept you at a distance. Every time you offered to help I never took it, and I made a mess of everything."

M'lady," He whispers, getting her attention as he offers her hand to her.

Ladybug hesitantly takes it, her cheeks going bright red and he pulls her into a hug stating matter-of-factly.

"We're gonna get them back one by one until the very last and we'll make sure this never happens again."

"You and me?"

"No. The three of us. I know things seem bad but we've got this, This loser couldn't defeat us with one miraculous, having sixteen ain't gonna help him," I reassure, joining the hug.

"The people that support you will help too," Chat adds, gesturing to the crowd of people that had begun cheering for us.

Ladybug nods, drying the last of her tears as the three of us glare at Shadowmoth, we weren't gonna back down, we weren't done yet. We will take this pathetic man down no matter what.

Author: So...How about that finale? *smirks*

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