Glaciator 2: Part 4

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"Ok, take the wheel I've got a plan," She suddenly says as Glaciator rounds the corner, loudly proclaiming "There you are!" Quickly hopping into the car, we take off down the street with Glaciator chasing us. "That's enough it was just friends hanging out with friends!" Chat shouts out the window while I help Ladybug use her yoyo to tie up Glaciator and to her seat. "So where are we going with this? Not just the two of us but-" 

He starts to stumble over his words and I cut in. "What he means is, what's the plan?" "We're heading for the big fan at the Gare du Nord. We'll stay in touch," She emphasizes by putting in an earpiece and we follow suit before jumping out of the car at her signal. "I'll come back as soon as you're ready," Chat and I take down a nearby billboard and with some of my ice, we set it up at the giant fan to make a ramp. "Ready M'Lady- Uh sorry but do you mind me calling you M'Lady? I realize that along with joking about us dating that nickname could also make you uncomfortable. In which case I want to apologize again for making you uncomfortable."

"No, I'm okay with you calling me that Kitty Cat. Just next time if I tell you to stop please stop, thanks. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did," She apologizes too as she races over the ramp, the air from the vent melting away all the ice cream covering André. Grabbing Chat's hand and shooting out an ice path we slide our way over for Chat to cataclysm the scooper while I grabbed André and we slid to safety. "No more evil-doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" With the akuma purified and the magic ladybugs fixing everything, Ladybug hands André a pink with magenta polka dots magical charm, apologizing for not giving it to him earlier and we all make our way back to the bakery with something to finish.

"(y/n) thank god you're ok! You're not hurt are you?" Carlson asks, patting me down and checking for any injuries. "No, I'm alright, Chat Noir took me to safety I swear," He sighs in relief when we hear Luka call out to me as he runs up. "(y/n)! I saw on the news that Glaciator was attacking the bakery, you didn't get hurt did you?" I smile at him and shake my head when Carlson grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him asking very quietly "You're still in love with him?" I look between the two before asking for some privacy and lead Carlson into the bakery. "Yes Carlson, like I said before I still love Luka and nothing can change that. Why does that bother you so much?" "Why? Because it means I was too late to tell you how I feel about you..." I tilt my head in confusion. "What are you talking about?" "I love you (y/n). I have since we were little but I never found the right time to tell you and before I knew it you were off to Paris on a scholarship and in love with another man. Why wouldn't that bother me?" My eyes widened in shock I never expected Carlson to develop feelings for me, especially with how focused on school I was just to earn this scholarship.

"Carlson I-" "I know you don't feel the same and that's ok. I knew there'd be a chance you wouldn't accept my feelings, it's just a hard pill to swallow. I better get back to my hotel, I've got a long road ahead of me but it was great to see you again," He cuts me off and hugs me before leaving. "Everything ok?" Luka asks as he enters the bakery. "Yeah, he was just saying goodbye is all." "Was that all? Nothing's going on between you two right?" Hearing that question coupled with the embarrassed look he was giving me I had to hold in my laughter at how cute Luka looked from being jealous. I cup his face with my hand and send him a reassuring smile. "Nothing is going on I promise my heart still belongs to you," His face flushes a bright color of pink as he leans into my touch soon stating "Good because I'm not willing to let you go so easily," Just like that my face goes red as well.

"G-goodnight Luka." "Goodnight (y/n)," He waves goodbye with a smile and heads out, while I shake my head to try and get rid of the blush as I head upstairs to find Chat Noir and Marinette still practicing their project upstairs. "Mind if I join?" "Not at all, we're just finishing up," Marinette starts reciting that cringey speech again but abruptly stops halfway through her sentence. "That was a good start, what's wrong?" Chat asks as Mari crumples up the piece of paper. 

"What's wrong is this isn't me," She takes a deep breath and begins to speak. "The first time I saw you, I misjudged you. I thought you were conceded and superficial. But then you surprised me with a sweet gesture that turned my world upside down and I developed feelings for you. I won't lie to you though. Those feelings quickly turned into an obsession and when it came to you, I wasn't the best person. But after some time getting over you, I got to know you and learned who you were deep down: someone sweet, sincere, and generous. I'm not sure where my feelings stand for you right now it's important to know what you want and whether we get together or stay friends, I want you to know I'll always have your back and be there for you whenever you need it."

Chat stands up with a sweet smile. "Your deceleration was beautiful Marinette, the boy who you're going to give this speech to is very lucky to have you be so honest with him and support him however he needs." "Thank you. I'm glad you were able to help me with this," Before more could be said Tom calls out for us for dinner and Chat Noir takes off and we head down.

The next day we stayed after school to support Adrien with his fencing tournament, it was no surprise that he won. Before we could go congratulate him, Kagami pulls Marinette into the women's dressing room and I follow in. "What's going on?" I ask while Kagami shakes Marinette. "Did you do what I told you to?" "Yeah- Kind of- Not yet." "Good, I was worried, I learned that's a very risky technique. Practicing with another person could lead you two to fall in love with each other and run away together to a desert island where you'll get attacked by giant carnivorous plants," Mari and I exchange a confused look as I say "That sounds like a plot point from The Robinson's of Catastrophe." "Exactly, I haven't even finished volume three yet but I think it gets even worse later." "Hang on, you've been giving me advice that you got from a manga?" "Of course, why shouldn't I?" We both sigh in amusement, I mean at least she was trying to help. "Kagami, Kagami, Kagami, we really need to get you to spend more time with us and the gang."




Adrien puts up his latest trophy before sitting at his desk and pulling up Marinette's social media page. "What's this? I thought you'd given up on love," Plagg points out. "Marinette opened my eyes, she's always been there for me as far as I can remember. She's really kind, willing to help others, and even admits to her faults and I admire that. A lot. I want to support her however I can too, it's the least I can do," Adrien explains a light blush dusting across his cheeks as he looked through Marinette's fashion blog.

Author: Hm...Is she still just a friend Adrien? I'm asking for the entire fandom lol. Credit for the Carlson plot point goes to agreed93 who suggested the idea. I know it wasn't exactly what you wanted but I found that it fit best in Glaciator too and helped figure out what to do with this episode so thank you 🎔

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