Evolution: Part 2

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Monarch winces in pain as we approach.

"You're not looking so powerful, I think you're gonna lose this time too," Chat Noir mocks when Monarch uses Wind Dragon to escape into a new time.

"No!" Ladybug cries when Chat grabs Bunnyx's miraculous and tosses it at Ladybug.

"Only a holder of the rabbit miraculous can open a time portal."

"You do it, Kitty. I trust you," She hands him the miraculous.

"Plagg, Fluff, UNIFY!" He's given black bunny ears with luminescent blue streeks that match the outline of his costume, a bunny tail appearing at the end of his tail. 

"I like this new suit. It rocks," I compliment, fist-bumping him when he begins looking for Monarch finding him talking with Mayura during the Ladybug sentimonster incident, he looked weakened. 




Monarch landed after exiting a portal, panting as exhaustion washed over him. Looking up he sees Mayura giving him a shocked look.

"Gabriel?" She whispers.

"Natalie... Where's Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)?" 

"Ladybug and (s/n) aren't here yet, Chat Noir is talking to my sentimonster." 

"Perfect...You and I can attack him, I'll hit him with venom and then we can take his miraculous. From there we'll figure something out," He grins and Mayura nods in agreement when he feels Chat's staff hit the back of his head.




"Hey there moth man forget about us?" I tease as he turns to face us with a glare soon disappearing through Burrow again.

We follow him through and watch him head back to the Scarletmoth incident. 

"Wait how are you still using your powers? Shouldn't you de-transform to re-charge?" Ladybug asks as Chat looks for where specifically Monarch went.

"Not necessarily remember? I'm allowed to jump through time for five minutes but since Burrow doesn't have time so I can technically use it longer as long as I don't stay in one time period for too long," Chat explains finding Monarch trying to watch them de-transform. 

He opens a portal above him and we jump through, dragging Monarch through another portal, leaving us free-falling through the sky.

"How does it feel to be chased?"

"You tell me! BURROW!" 

We keep following him through different points in time and I smile when I notice we had chased to the point we saw before getting into this mess.

"He's getting tired, this is our chance!"

"For now just go for the watch so he can't use the rabbit miraculous to escape!"




Monarch hops through another portal, landing on the banks of the River Seine, he knew if things kept up like this he would get too tired to fight. So he makes another unification and uses Fetch on the pocketwatch when he feels a surge hit his entire body. It was as if lightning had struck him and was coursing through his entire being. He felt as if he were stuck in a grill being cooked to a crisp. The pain was unbearable it caused him to black out, his head colliding with the pavement.

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