Mr. Pigeon 72: Part 2

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When we reach the pool we see Adrien's bodyguard blocking the entrance and Marinette facepalms. "Of course, they'd have the pool closed for the rehearsal." "Perfect, let's go get some orange juice," I say, Kagami and I begin walking away when Mari grabs us. "I was thinking more of going inside. We can distract the bodyguard."

"Marinette, (y/n) and I don't want to do this," Kagami tried to tell her as we hid behind a car but she went unheard as Mari started giggling and typing away on her phone, her plan already in motion. "What's her deal?" Kagami asks, turning to me. "Let's just say over these last few years Marinette has been shouldered with many responsibilities which has made her feel she needs to tackle and solve everyone else's problems along with hers. Usually, she'll get too excited about it before reason reaches her so we might be dealing with this for a bit."

I explain recalling her role as Ladybug, Class Deputy, guardian of the miraculous, running her fashion blog, and school. There was just so much for her to keep track of. That's when we hear a fan squealing loudly "Adrien's at the pool!" It wasn't long before there was a crowd of Adrien fans that the guard had to hold back, giving us the perfect opportunity to sneak in.

"Now time for camouflage," Mari says, rifling through her pool bag which was filled with all sorts of things for any type of emergency. It used to be what I called her stalker bag because she filled it with everything she thought she'd need for any encounter she had with Adrien, now it's used to help get away to transform or help with her plans when fighting a villain. "Do you always carry these things with you?" "Of course! I have to be ready for anything to trans- help my friends. Found the swimsuits," After being forced to change we ran up to the higher levels of the pool and watched Adrien from afar.

"I bet you're already starting to fall in love with him again~" Mari squeals only for Kagami to instantly shut her own. "No." "That's cuz you haven't seen him in action yet." "Or because she's also moved on from Adrien like she's allowed to?" I say, crossing my arms but I don't get a response as Bob shouts for the shoot to begin and we fall silent so as not to interrupt. Adrien goes for the dive and pigeons fly by when another flies up with a rose, causing Adrien to sneeze and fall. I thought he was allergic to feathers and from seeing it up close, feathers just need to be around him to start a sneezing fit yet it took till the bird approached him for his allergies to kick in. Then again he could be taking medicine.

Bob starts yelling at Mr. Ramier about his pigeon flying back with the rose and Mr. Ramier argues that the sneeze spooked his bird. "Did you see how handsome he is? Did you feel your heart beat faster? Did you get the shivers? Tingles in your fingers?" Marinette asks Kagami giddly and she shakes her head. "I felt sorry for that poor pigeon tamer." "I know you need to look each other in the eye! I've got an idea!"

She starts to drag Kagami off and I tug on her to stop stating, "Marinette stop! You'll mess up his shoot, let's just go!" I looked worriedly over at Adrien who was staring at us in shock and I fought harder to at least shove, push, drag, whatever out of the way to not distract him but it was too late and I wince when I hear him hit the water hard. This also causes Bob to yell at Mr. Ramier more. Adrien gets out of the pool and I drag Marinette and Kagami behind a pillar to hide as Adrien says, "I thought I saw some friends from school."

"Well, I only see a stupid bird who's incapable of doing what it's asked to do and will be banned from Paris if it continues to ruin the commercial!" I glare at Bob before frowning at Mr. Ramier who is looking more upset by the minute. We needed to leave. "We're leaving," Kagami states, and begins to walk away. "It's because you two were too far apart, you need to be close together to really feel it. I know!" She starts to drag Kagami and I start helping her pull away from Mari as she goes to the diving board Adrien is at.

"Marinette stop it! This is completely crazy!" "Love is crazy so stop-" "No Marinette you need to stop, you're acting like a stalker again!" I yell at her and she lets go abruptly, eyes widening as she stumbles back into Adrien and they both along with the poor pigeon into the pool. Kagami and I shake our heads in disappointment as we sneak out, letting Mari deal with the consequences.

When she caught back up with us she hung her head low and muttered "I'm sorry..." Kagami sighed and started to tell her something when a pigeon flew up and touched her and in a puff of red smoke, turned into a pigeon?! Not good. Looking out we see pigeons everywhere and whoever they touch, turned into pigeons as well and chase Adrien. Quickly we transform and go out to help him when he slams into the wall due to his allergies and is turned into a pigeon. Our eyes widen, that's definitely not good.

That's when all the pigeons start targeting us, trapping us in one of the changing stalls and Ladybug starts to call Chat while I racked my brain on how to explain why I knew he wouldn't be able to help. Thankfully Plagg flew in and got the job done for me. "You two are gonna have to deal with this on your own Chat Noir's been feathered." "LUCKY CHARM!" A hand drill falls into her hands while we held the door shut.

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