Party Crasher: Part 3

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Eventually, we got to the part of the song where the dancers had to spin and as in her usual clumsy fashion, Marinette tripped over her own feet, stumbled forward, grabbed onto me and we both fell to the floor, our disguises coming off and revealing ourselves. "Marinette? (y/n)?" Adrien asks and she rushes to put her costume back on. "No, no, no, no! It's a me, a Marino!" Adrien gives her an endearing smile as he chuckles. Luka and Adrien start to help us up when suddenly a blue-skinned guy in a disco ball-themed suit with a pink afro and mustache barges in, yelling at Adrien.

"So Adrien, you're too busy for your number one fan? Well, I'll make sure you'll never forget to invite me to one of your parties again!" He touches the couch with his disco ball hand and it and the people on it vanish into the disco ball before attacking everyone as they scrambled to get out. Marinette, Adrien, and I run out together, though I was closer to Adrien so he led me to a place to hide, calling out to Marinette for her to hide. We get into a secluded room and Plagg, and Flaake flies out ready for action. "Plagg, (y/n), let's Boogey," We nod and before we both transform. "Man that is way easier than trying to come up with a good reason to leave you alone," Chat Noir sighs out and I nod in agreement, knowing Ladybug and Chat Noir's identity had definitely made transforming a lot easier. Though once I realized that they had feelings for each other but for their counterparts, let's just say I was groaning into my pillow for at least an hour.

We get outside just as Ladybug arrives and we watch the disco man walk out. "Hey, Disco Dude, you know the tune, when the heroes show up the party's over." "Fools, it's Party Crasher, and all I need to do is touch you and your miraculous is mine!" He charges at us and we backflip out of the way as I tell him, "Probably shouldn't have told us that, now we know to avoid you," With enough space put between us, Chat charges at Party Crasher to attack with his staff but as he jumped over to attack from behind, Party Crasher kicked him, and he goes tumbling down. 

"Chat Noir look out!" LB shouts, using her yoyo to pull him out of the way of Party Crasher's attack. "How'd he know exactly what I was gonna do?" Chat asks and Ladybug hums in thought. "It must be his power, he can anticipate our moves. We're gonna have to figure out how to surprise him. LUCKY CHARM!" A cassette tape falls in her hand and we aren't given time to question it or make a joke as Party Crasher shoots a blast at us and we jump out of the way. Chat Noir and I watch in horror as he attacks Ladybug while she was in mid-air, capturing her and the lucky charm. "No!" Chat shouts, about to impulsively lunge at Party Crasher, I go to stop him when his tail is pulled stopping him for me. We look down to see it was Master Fu. "Don't go in there impulsively, you two can't pull this off by yourselves," He advises but Chat was too blinded by his rage and lunges at Party Crasher, demanding Ladybug be set free. As sweet as his overprotectiveness for Ladybug and I was, it blinded him too much from logical thinking.

Party Crasher goes after me next but I summon my ice storm and kept creating ice walls for him to grab instead as he shouted, "It's only a matter of time before this lets up!" "True but you'd have to find me first!" I surround the area in ice and cover him with multiple layers before hiding behind the car with Master Fu stating,"We're gonna need all the help we can get but I only know three of the identities of our superhero team and one's not here. Luka the boy with blue hair is Vyperion, and Max the black kid with glasses is Pegasus-" "It's ok (s/n), Ladybug told me the identity of everyone she's given a miraculous to just in case." "That works, now if you'll excuse me I have a Tom cat to keep out of trouble. I get back into the fight to see Chat had lost his staff as it began to vanish, I grab him and pull him out of the way when we hear a familiar voice.

"Need some backup?" "Peagusus?" "Not just him," We turn around to see Peagusus and Vyprion when Carapace lands next to us. Vyprion activates his second chance and Carapace goes to activate his shield. "Don't worry Chat Noir, (s/n), we've got you covered. SHEL-" He gets hit by a blast and vanishes-

Vyprion activates his second chance and Carapace goes to activate his shield. "Don't worry Chat Noir, (s/n), we've got you covered. SHEL-" He's cut off when Vyprion runs toward him and gets hit with the blast instead. "Vyprion!" I shout out worriedly before watching as Carapace, and Peagusus were caught, leading to Chat Noir being caught from attacking out of anger. I regroup with Master Fu. "None of the other miraculouses helped, none will if he can just touch us before we activate the power." "There's only one miraculous that can save the day but this one is so special," He hands me the monkey miraculous and I remember what it does. "This could work but who's still here that could wield it?" "I recall a certain boy swimming in the bathroom," My mind turns to Kim that's the only person I knew who would swim in anything if it were filled with water.

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