Psychomedian: Part 4

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"Yeah! It was so obvious that it made me mad! Now give me that ridiculous belt!" Ladybug growls and Chat frowns. "Leave my costume out of this," Snatching the nearest helmet we could find and apologizing to the person we took it from we head to the hotel and LB takes on Psychomedian with Chat's belt covering her eyes.

"Have you become blind with rage Ladybug?" Psychomedian teases and Chat snickers as we sneak inside. "Ok, that was funny." "You're going to regret making me angry!" The two fight while Chat and I color the helmet red with polka dots with the makeup and nail polish we found inside. The fight moves inside and Psychomedian approaches to see what we're doing when Ladybug grabs him and throws him away yelling "Are you two done yet?! Or do I do this on my own too?!"

"We don't have that much to work with so it's gonna be a minute!" I snap back, getting fed up with Ladybug's attitude. "Just gotta add a little more here," Chat chimes in, earning another snarky remark. "What? You having trouble coloring in the lines?!" "Done!" LB charges at Psychomedian knocking him over and I throw the helmet on so Ladybug can tie him up and Chat could cataclysm his bag. "There! It's over! Everyone can go home now! Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Get lost little butterfly! All right already MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!"

Chat Noir and I let out a relieved sigh when the magical ladybugs pass over Ladybug and she calms down. "Feeling better M'lady?" "Yes, thanks. I'm sorry I was so rude to the two of you, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. Oh and by the way Chat for the record I don't find your belt ridiculous. I really like your suit, I think it suits you," LB apologizes before unconsciously flirting with Chat and I roll my eyes. 

When Harry comes back Ladybug hands him a half-black, half-white with a red V stripe magical charm to him and explains to him it'll protect him. "Thank you. I really would've loved to have a superpower just like you." "But you do have one Harry. You can make people laugh and you have to remember that joy is an emotion, one of the most beautiful and hardest ones to create," Harry smiles and approaches Bob with a new pitch but Bob just grimaces. "I think it's time for you to get a new producer I tell him before we take off.

Back at the show Mari and I were trying to find the courage to face Adrien and Luka. Tikki and Flaake told us just to be ourselves and tell them what we were trying to do and what we wanted so with one last breath we entered in. "Hey," I approach Luka who beams at me, approaching for a hug before stepping back and coughing in his hand. "Hey," I frown, wishing he had hugged me.

"Sorry for running off on you like that I just..." "Felt akward and don't know how to talk to me?" Luka finishes my thought and I bite my bottom lip as I nod. "It's okay, if I'm being honest this is akward for me too and it's taking a lot of willpower not to just grab your hand and hold you close but I would like to move on from this and at least continue to be friends if you want or can," I smile at him and squeeze his hand lightly. "I'd like that but I think at least I need a little more time to figure out how to move forward." "I can understand that," He then turns to where Mari and Adrien where sitting. "It seems those two are getting along again," I look over to see them laughing together and would later learn that according to Adrien no one could make him laugh more than Marinette.

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя