Luka Chapter Forty-Five

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"You really don't have to," I tell (y/n) over the phone, trying to think of any way to convince her not to come with me.

It's not that I didn't want to hang out with her but I still was coming to terms with her being (s/n) and I didn't trust myself to act normal enough around her without arousing her suspicion.

"Luka it's ok, I have nothing else to do today and it'll give me a chance to look into schools as well. I'm coming with you, end of discussion, can you meet me at Rolland's place?"

"Marinette's grandpa's place right?"

(y/n) hums in confirmation.

"Cool, I'll see you then," The call ends and I sigh, looking into the mirror. 

I had to get myself together nobody must know I know the identities of Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir. I sighed again, collecting myself together, and texted her I was there. The walk to the first school felt awkward as I did all I could not look suspicious, resulting in me fidgeting with my hands at my side. I didn't even attempt to talk, too afraid I'd let something slip.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She breaks the silence and I quickly come up with a half-truth.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just being a senior and all, lots of stress and lots to focus on. How about you? You doing ok with the stress of your junior year coming to an end and the other stresses of life?" I ask, curious to see if she'd tell me anything though based on the past I doubt it.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm managing."

"Well if you ever need to vent or anything like that I'm here for you," I remind her she can confide in me and she gives me a side eye, I smile in return.

"Ok. I'll keep that in mind."

"Are you two here for the tour?" A lady suddenly asks us as she approaches.

We join the tour group and start touring the school. At some point, my attention turns to a TV screen showcasing Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir's latest endeavor and I stare at (s/n) giving a kid a gentle smile. 

"I'm guessing you've taken a liking to (s/n)?" (y/n) asks, appearing by my side.

"Yes. Out of the three of them, I've always been more drawn to (s/n) and recently I feel she's not appreciated enough. Who knows how much she has to deal with while constantly being overshadowed by the public who focus more on Ladybug and Chat Noir.," I state, voicing my thoughts while simultaneously letting her know I care.

"That's so sweet that you care. I'm sure she'd appreciate you giving her more recognition."

I internally smirk as I continue to indirectly tell her she could count on me. "Yeah. One day I'd like to thank her for all she does and let her know she'll always be supported and cared for." 

She takes a moment to respond to me, indicating that my words had more of an effect on her than she'd ever admit.

"Why don't we re-join the group before we lose them?" She decided not to comment and we started to head back when some pinkish-purple wave flew by us. 

But just as I became concerned about it, I quickly began not to care.

"Next we'll go to...You know what I'll let you all decide where you want to go it's much simpler this way," The tour guide tells us suddenly and everyone starts going in their own direction, (y/n) looking at me.

"Where should we go?"

"It wouldn't it be much simpler to stay here?"

She agrees and we stand still for a bit when she asks again "Now what?"

I look around for the most simple thing to do when I see a helicopter begin falling from the sky. "We could watch that helicopter fall," My attention turned back to (y/n) who was watching with a worried smile. 

She must be trying to think of a way to sneak off. What's a simple way to do that? I spot a nearby person and an idea comes to mind.

"Those people need help so I'll go tell someone to get help," I say walking to the nearby person and pointing outside. "People in helicopter have fallen, they need help."

"I'll call for help," The person says pulling out their phone before looking at it confused. "Phones are too confusing."

"Then how do we go get them help?"

"Let's simply walk to the fire station, they'll help then."

I nod in agreement and we start walking to the fire station, soon arguing with firemen to go help since driving was too complicated. After a good while the miraculous ladybugs fly past and we all look at each other confused. What was all that?

"What did you two need help with again?"

"I...Don't know. Sorry for wasting your time," I apologize, walking back to the school and recollecting the past events not understanding anything.

I spotted (y/n) in the re-formed tour group and I approached her asking "What happened?"

"Uh...I'm not so sure myself, are you ok?" I nodded and before long the events that happened were covered by the news, making me worried for such a simple power it was quite dangerous. 

What if because of the simplification had hurt (y/n) in some way? Apparently, I forgot to hide my nervousness as after the tour (y/n) led me somewhere secluded.

"What's wrong? You've been acting fidgety and weird all day, what's bothering you?"

I can't help but smile she had always been good at catching even my subtle tells. I try again to indirectly tell her. 

I have some friends that I thought I knew but I just learned something big about them which has made a lot of things connect and they're more amazing than I originally thought they were. But the the stuff I know about them is supposed to be a secret so I guess I'm just struggling to come to terms with it especially since I want to help them however I can but there's not much I can do."

She gave me a reassuring smile to match the fact she had taken my hands and squeezed them reassuringly. "Luka, your friends sound incredible, and whatever their secret is may seem shocking and unbelievable time will help you get used to it, believe me, I know that feeling I've had my shared shocking secrets. I'd say the best thing you could do is continue to support them however you can, I'm sure they'd appreciate it a lot."

I huff in amusement, it flew right over her head like last time. "Thank you (y/n)."

"You're welcome," She leans close to my face and nuzzles me and I can't help but laugh.

For someone who doesn't want to be in a relationship to protect me, she still acts like she's in one with me.

"I think I'm done looking at schools for today, can I walk you back to Rolland's?" I offer figuring today was already long enough. 

"I'd love to."

I walk her back and say goodbye and begin walking home, mulling over her identity again and her advice. Support her from afar...I think I can do that Mon Amour. I can do that for you.

Author: Again like I said on my conversation page/ journal Tuesday chapters will most likely be late due to having to do time-consuming homework due at noon on Wednesdays. (I know it sucks) Plus a lab that happens at 4 my usual writing time which takes up two hours and then I take a couple of hours to relax with my friends till the dining hall closes. In short, too much homework is given on Monday that takes two days to complete bleh.

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