Glaciator 2: Part 1

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Ladybug, Chat Noir, and I continue to dodge Glaciator's ice cream attacks while pulling citizens out of the range of fire who had carelessly walked into. Geez what was up with everybody today? "You must feel like a third wheel around those two a lot huh? Ah, to be in love," The lady I saved told me, and I gave her a confused look. "What?" She doesn't respond, too engrossed in her magazine as she walks away and I help the two protect another citizen who had walked onto the scene.

"Ah love is great," The guy sighs contently, confusing us more as LB asks "What is with everybody today? Chat and I aren't in love!" "You can't deny it, it's in the news!" Glaciator tells us pointing to a poster promoting a P*A*R*I*S magazine showcasing Chat Noir and Ladybug kissing. Upon looking around we could see the cover was plastered everywhere from billboards, posters, magazines, and even blimps. Grabbing the magazine from the pedestrian we had saved, Chat reads the article out loud. "Ladybug and Chat Noir voted couple of the year?" Ladybug rips the magazine away from him and continues reading "They share more than just their love of justice? What the heck is going on?" She asks angrily while I peek over her shoulder, how'd they even get some of these photos?

"This is proof that my ice cream is right, you two were made for each other like chocolate and strawberry," Glaciator argues and I shoot back "It's pretty creepy that you want two teenagers to date just cuz they're your OTP." "Besides all these photos are out of context. We were fighting supervillains!" She begins explaining each photo before pointing to the one of the two kissing after the Oblivio incident. "We can't even remember this one!" "Always blaming the villains but what the mind forgets the heart remembers!" Glaciator starts attacking and finding the whole situation funny, Chat starts to joke around.

"Maybe he's right M'lady, he is  André the sweetheart's ice cream maker." "Chat Noir, not the time," Ladybug warns but he persists in making a joke about if they kiss maybe they'll remember. "That's enough out of you. Take a cat nap!" She throws him in a garbage bin and I take a step back away from her as she demands the akumatized object, summons her lucky charm, and defeats Glaciator. Yikes, she's mad. "It just doesn't make sense. My ice cream is never wrong, Ladybug and Chat Noir are made for each other,"  André pouts. "Guess ice cream, like tabloids can be wrong!" Ladybug hisses before turning her attention to Chat.

"You also need to stop shoving your ships down other people's throats, you and your ice cream are not matchmakers nor have the final say on who gets to date whom, it's creepy. Some people just want to be friends or already have a partner and just want ice cream," I tell him before following after LB to find her yelling at Chat. "What was all that? Why were you feeding into the whole couple of the year thing, we're not even a couple!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to make you so mad. I just thought the situation was funny and made some jokes, hoping to lighten the mood." "You still should've stopped when she told you to," I say and he nods. "I get it, you've heard me declare my love for you over and over like a broken record. Only for me to keep joking about it even though I moved on, that must make it seem like I'm lying to you but I don't know how else to deal with us constantly being shipped besides joking about it."

Ladybug lets out a sigh. "I know your heart is in the right place but even joking about it makes me feel uncomfortable." "Ok, I'll stop somehow. I promise." "Thank you," After we get back home, Marinette heads straight to Alya's to get her to delete all the romantic photos between Ladybug and Chat Noir, which made the news. "Shockwave. Just as Ladybug and Chat Noir have been voted France's favorite couple, all images showing the two together have disappeared from the Ladyblog, the number one source about our favorite heroes. Are Ladybug and Chat Noir no longer an item?" 

Nadja reports and Marinette angrily shakes her screen. "We were never an item!" "Why don't you go cool down outside?" I chuckle, leading her up to the deck only to burst out laughing when I hear her shout "There's a billboard out here!" Before I can respond Sabine calls up for me. "(y/n)! You've got a visitor!" Confused I head downstairs, I wasn't expecting anyone. Looking into the living room my eyes widen to see a familiar brunette boy with thick-brimmed glasses, a wrinkled-up shirt, and a blue sweatshirt: (Image belongs to its respective creator)

 Looking into the living room my eyes widen to see a familiar brunette boy with thick-brimmed glasses, a wrinkled-up shirt, and a blue sweatshirt: (Image belongs to its respective creator)

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"Carlson?" I question as he turns to me with an easygoing grin, one hand in his pocket, a coffee in the other. "Heya (y/n), I missed you a latte and cannot expresso how much I've missed you," I groan in amusement. "Not the puns." "What? They're pretty punny if you ask me," He jokes again with a laugh before tousling my hair. "How'ya been squirt?" "I've been fine but Carlson what are you doing here?" I ask, shoving his hand out of my hair and fixing it.

"Me and my folks are taking a vacation in France, going on a tour from city to city. Today is Paris so I thought I'd come say hi and spend the day with ya," He explains, earning a happy smile from me. It was good to see an old friend from my home country again. Before I could respond, however, Marinette came rushing down the stairs, bumping into me, causing me to fall into Carlson's arms who sent me a wink. "Geez squirt you didn't have to fall so hard for me." 

I playfully shove him aside as I turn to Marinette. "Are you ok? What's going on?" "I saw Adrien in the park and he looked sad, I gotta go see if I can help somehow. See ya later bye!" She rushes out the door and Carlson and I exchange confused faces.

Author: Sorry for updating so late, grandparents don't have the best internet or wifi plus family drama but otherwise Happy New Year everyone!

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