Gang of Secrets: Part 1

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Ladybug, Chat Noir, and I land on a building not far from the scene of our last battle as the miraculous ladybugs finish up repairing everything. "Wow, you were on fire today M'lady. We've never defeated a villain so fast. Pound it," Chat says, lifting his fist to pound it when he notices Ladybug looking around. "M'lady? Is something wrong?" This catches her attention and she pounds it before suggesting an extra patrol. "You wanna tell me what's going on? You didn't even scold me for any of my jokes," Chat presses on and I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, she was doing it again. "Nothing's going on (s/n) and I just have some extra time on our hands and I really don't feel like chit chatting," Chat smirks and looks at me mouthing "Movie?" I snicker and nod. 

"Then I know the perfect place where there's no talking." "We're in," We go to the movies and LB starts to pout. "You tricked me." "Shh, no talking remember?" Chat slightly teases. The movie had gotten to the point where the two main characters had to reveal everything to each other or move on. Alexandra had just told Renaldo she was living a double life when Ladybug jumps up from her seat shouting "Are you kidding me? Don't tell him anything you fool!" "Ladybug keep it down, there's other people here who want to watch this in peace," I whisper, pulling her back into her seat and she starts rambling loudly. "This is why love plots have not business being in movies, you know why? It's not real. IRL the girl would take forever to tell the guy without stuttering so how could she know he loves her back? It's impossible! So she decides she can't be with him because she doesn't act right not to mention he finds himself a girlfriend. While working on herself she's noticed a friend has found a guy who makes it look easy as there's no stuttering, they hold hands, get all kissy-kissy then surprise! She has secrets and he hates secrets! So they have to break up and everyone lives unhappily ever after. The end. That's why love plots have no place in movies."

She finishes her rant and I sigh as we apologize and pull LB out of the theater where she tells everyone to only watch anything but a movie with romance. Once outside Chat and I confront Ladybug. "Listen M'lady, I'm not sure if I got all that you said and obviously I know nothing about your personal life but I do know what heartbreak and being deeply hurt sounds and feels like." "What? No, nothing like that is going on. In fact let's go swimming." Ladybug listen, I get what's going on right now is upsetting but you don't need to tackle my break up with Luka for me nor do you need to tackle every problem alone, you can confide in us," I tell her but she takes off shouting "Swiming!"

Chat turns to me with a confused looking asking "What's up with her?" "For starters she's trying to distract me from my breakup because as you can imagine it hurt me deeply to leave him so much so I spend most of my time crying and when I'm not I just feel numb..." I trail off and Chat pulls me in for hug. "I know how you feel. Kagami broke up with me because I had to keep lying to her too and it hurts." "I'm so sorry Chat, how have you been holding up?" I ask, hugging him tigter. "It hurts but I also understand why she did it so I can't be mad so I guess I'm not sure how to react." "Fair enough. Anyways Ladybug's also upset because of Shadowmoth we can't be in relationships or it's gonna end the same way with lying and heartbreak which is a hard truth to swallow especially since she's a hopeless romantic under the mask and her acting like that is her way of coping."

"I see. Well then let's hope we defeat Shadowmoth soon so we can get back to a normal life," I nod before we follow after Ladybug and go swimming. After getting back I flop onto my bed still transformed. Ziggy and Barkk fly up to check on me as I stare sadly at the corkboard I had up filled with pictures of me and my friends and of me and Luka. "It's so sad." "I told you we should've taken those photos down," They go to take them down when I stop the, "No don't it's fine. The photos help me feel better by remembering the good times. It's all good, there's no problem," I tell them as I bury my face into the pillow while Mari looks at me with a sad frown.

Sighing she finishes up the small dollhouse she had made to hide the miracle box for the time being while we worked on the secret compartment on her sewing box for it. My phone starts to ring and I see Aly was trying to call me but I don't bother picking up so she tries to call Mari but she also doesn't pick up, leaving us to listen to a voice message. "Hey (y/n), Marinette, it's us," A chorus of hellos come from the girls. "We were just calling to tell you we're here if you need to talk wherever and whenever. Call us back." "Why aren't you using the talking light box to speak to your friends?" Trixx asks and I mutter through the pillow. "About what? I can't tell them why Luka and I broke up...So I'd just be lying again." "Well shouldn't you at least de-transform?" "I don't see the point, I'm not going anywhere and if Shadowmoth attacks I'll be ready." "Yeay but what about Flaake? She might need to rest or eat something," Trixx tells me and I gasp. How could I forget?! "Flaake Thaw! Are you ok?!" I quickly de-transform and ask her. "Feeling better than you (y/n). I think we need to talk," Flaake tells me as I grab her snack from my purse/bag. "I'll go get us some drinks," Mari says, leaving with a sigh.

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