Risk: Part 1

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Author: It has arrived...Much will happen *slinks into shadows*

The magical ladybugs fly around Paris fixing everything from the latest Megakuma attack and Ladybug gives out the magical charm before our team leaves the scene and we pound it.

"Way to go guys, you're the best superhero team ever, Shadowmoth doesn't stand a chance," Ladybug compliments, crossing her arms confidently.

"That's why he stays in the shadows cuz we shine so bright," Carapace jokes, high-fiving King Monkey.

"Well, he won't stay in the shadows long if you all de-transform here. Head to your rendevous point and Ladybug, Chat Noir, or I will come collect your miraculous," I say, ushering everybody to get going since there was a lot of flashing and beeping.

"Thanks again for letting me help out more I'm glad that despite being the first and most amazing team member of all I'm not just another holder like everybody else."

"How could I say no to my favorite kitty?" Ladybug says walking up to Chat and kissing his cheek. 

"One insulting. Two would you two just kiss already?" I ask, earning a mock glare from the two before we head out, connecting a call to Rena Fertive.

"You three can go now. The coast is clear," She confirms, and we start collecting the miraculous.

Afterward, Ladybug, Rena, and I meet up in the same alleyway.

"Another perfectly organized operation mademoiselle Ladybug, mademoiselle (s/n). Let's Rest," Alya bows as she de-transforms.

"Perfect because it was secured by you mademoiselle Rena Fertive. Spots Off," Marinette returns the bow as me and her de-transform.

"You know we've gotten so good at this we're gonna be on time to see United Heroes The Final End Fight at the movies," I point out, checking the time.

"Are you saying for once we'll actually see the beginning of a movie?"

"If we run," I tease, grabbing the two by the arms and running toward the theaters.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with our friends before heading home because there was school tomorrow.

"Gabriel Agreste took the world by storm this morning as he presented his new ad campaign. An ambitious project that will be filmed all over the world as an homage to the universal truth of first love," Nadja's report sounds from the screen, causing Mari to grit her teeth and her eye to twitch.

"Lila representing truth...And poor Adrien will be stuck with her for weeks!"

"Mari I know it's upsetting, especially with how uncomfortable he looks but you need to get ready or we're gonna be late for school," I tell her, slinging my bag over my shoulder and watching as she stumbles around the room to get ready.

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