Luka Chapter Thirty Seven

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I fidget with the strap of my bag which was holding (y/n)'s anniversary gift as I wait for the door to the apartment to open, I was hoping (y/n) would open because I've barely heard or seen her but I wasn't that surprised when Sabine answered. It seemed these days something had been taking up all of (y/n)'s time and I hope she'd tell me today especially since our date was cancelled yesterday.

I enter the apartment and text (y/n), a smile brightening my face when she responds only to frown as what I'm sent is pictures of her and Marinette's bedroom along with photos of Adrien. No explanation either. Weird. After that, I began calling her, and after almost missing the call she picked up.

"Luka! Hey!" "Hey. Thanks for the photos." "What? What photos?" "The photos of your bedroom and of Adrien..." She explains how those were supposed to be sent to Marinette and apologizes but the uneasiness from those photos still lingers but I brush it off and ask if she's ready.  "Ready for what?" "Our anniversary date," A minute later and she's rushing down from her room explaining to Sabine why we didn't have our date yesterday before talking about Jagged's first movie. "The movie might be a bit mindless but (y/n) and I love him so much we swore we'd see it together." 

"Oh right! We're going to see Crocodile Heart Jagged Stone's first movie!" "Did you forget?" I tease her with a chuckle while she lightly blushes in embarrassment. So adorable this one was. She was quick to give a response and drag me toward the movies.

As we walked we played our usual game of finishing Jagged Stone movie quotes, today the loser had to pay for ice cream at André's. When we take our seats (y/n) compliments me and hands me a gift. "Wow, twenty points to twelve. Blueberry you are officially Jagged Stone's number one fan and you've earned a prize. Happy anniversary my sweet blueberry," I'm given an adorable guitar pick necklace with my favorite picture of us together in it. I had picked her up from behind and she was squealing happily with a big bright beautiful smile, and a light blush on her cheeks. 

I blush a little at the photo when I see a photo album keychain with more photos of us throughout the year making me blush a little more. I turn to her with full intentions of kissing her. "Thank you mon amour. The rules are clear, this gift entitles you to a second round: Under the moonlight by the sea..." (y/n) starts thinking about it unaware of my actual goal before shouting in excitement: " Under the moonlight by the sea, kiss me!"

"Alright if you want to, I'm always happy to please my lady," I tease with a wink and get that alluring blush. Just as we start to kiss the building shakes and I look around in concern. "What was that?" "I'll be right back, I wanna use the bathroom before the movie starts," (y/n) says, shooting up from her seat and running out of the theater. 

After the threat was deemed not around the movie begins and I frown, looking over at (y/n)'s empty seat, hoping she makes it back in time. Spoiler she didn't. "I'm here! Sorry, turns out there was an akuma attack and I had to stay in the bathroom. Good thing the heroes took care of it," She huffs as she rushes back to her seat just as the credits begin to play, and she profusely apologizes. We leave for ice cream which I give her, her anniversary gift but before we can sit down and enjoy our ice cream she's running off again, claiming to have to take a phone call. I finish the ice cream before it melts and trudge back home, guess I'll see her after school. 

The next day she bailed on me picking her up for our cafe date and she was even late to Kitty Section's practice. This was getting tiring so after we hit break I taker back to the bridge to talk.  "Do you remember why I like to come here? When you listen carefully you can hear the song of the water. It helps clear my head like when I told you about how upset I was I didn't know my father and mom wouldn't tell me. What about you (y/n)? Where do you go when you disappear?"

She hesitates and my mind goes back to the images of Adrien that were sent to me. Had she fallen in love with him? "You tell me and I'll accept it even if it means you no longer have feelings for me I'll understand. I won't be upset you know," She instantly objects to that being the truth but when I ask for it she denies it to me and my heart begins to ache as the realization hits me that she's been possibly lying to me about something all this time.

Suddenly a very familiar voice echoes in my head. Hawkmoth. He called himself Shadowmoth and offered me powers to make her tell me the truth. I tried to refuse but the shock of knowing I wasn't worthy enough of the truth made me give in.

After transforming I head back to the boat and use Night Eye to prevent people from escaping and ask "What is (y/n)'s secret?" "She's in love with Luka," I try someone else. Same response and I yell "That's not a secret!" Ladybug drops down to interfere but when she realizes who I was I use Night Eye to freeze her but just as I ask who she is, Chat Noir tackles her into the water, preventing her from responding.

The only reason I don't go after them is because mom shows up and I take this opportunity to ask "Who's my father?!" "Your father is Jagged Stone," I stare at her in shock before heading off in search of Jagged Stone to get it confirmed. I find him practicing on the roof of The Grand Paris and put Night Eye on him where he confirms I was his kid and why he wasn't around when Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) interrupt. This revelation seems to shock (s/n) which Night Eye takes advantage of and I throw Jagged off the building when Ladybug saves him and the heroes take off. Fine, next up (y/n)'s secret.

Heading to her home I make Sabine tell me where her diary is and I start looking through her room, thinking Night Eye caught the heroes when they bust in and stop my search. Somehow I hit Chat Noir and (s/n) and do whatever I could to get the three of them to tell me who they were but they kept kicking, shoving, and pushing to interrupt me, leading them to activate their powers and use a tin foiled umbrella to redirect Night Eye's light at me.

I look around confused while the heroes pound it before heading home when (y/n) asks to meet me on the bridge. When I get there, the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach worsens especially after seeing her unhappy face. "Luka I'm so sorry. I don't want to lie to you and I can't take repeaditley hurting you because of things I can't say so I think we should..." She trails off and I feel a tear slip down my face. She wanted to break up...

I pull her into a hug and reassure her.  "When you're ready I'll be here mon amour," I feel my back get wet as she starts weeping telling me "I love you. I know it's too late to tell you but I love you so so much and I wanted to find the perfect way to tell you." "Just hearing you say those words is perfect enough, I love you too," I give her one last sweet kiss and walk away, waiting till I was in my room with headphones on to cry. I don't care if we never get back together, she's still the music that plays inside my head and that'll never change. I'll do everything in my power to help her go through whatever she's going through, and make sure she's the happiest she could ever be. That I promise because I love you (y/n) more than I can ever explain.

Thank you to @Sakura on Quotev for giving the idea of Luka's anniversary gifts. 

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