Guiltrip: Part 3

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Trigger warning: We are at the part where Chat tries to cataclysm himself so I'll be using this symbol: caution emoji at the start and end of anything that might be triggering since that is a ⚠suicide attempt⚠. I will not be censoring the words as that would interfere with any text-to-speech readers I have.

"This is all our fault...If we had been able to stop Shadowmoth the students wouldn't be caught in this trap," Chat says guiltily, more and more bubbles starting to attack themselves to him. "No, no, this can't be happening," LB says trying to pull the bubbles off when Chat summons his cataclysm and goes to touch himself. "Chat Noir NO!" Ladybug and I shout, pulling his arm away from him. Was he seriously about to ⚠kill himself?⚠ "Chat Noir what are you doing?! I understand this situation is hard to deal with but ⚠ committing suicide?⚠ That isn't going to help solve the problem!" I yell at him and he asks:

"But what else can we do? If we just gave Shadowmoth our miraculous everyone's pain and suffering would be over." "You don't know that..." "Still though, this is a very powerful sentimonster and the miraculous was meant for grownups not for three kids who barely understand how their powers work..." Ladybug chimes in, and more bubbles start to surround us. They weren't listening how am I supposed to help when all I can give them is words they're not listening to?

"Ladybug! Chat Noir! (s/n)! You're here! I knew you'd come to save the day!" We hear Rose exclaim excitedly as she swims up when she notices our downcast faces. "Oh no. I'm so sorry you had to come this is all my fault, I'm such a bad person, burdening Juleka and (y/n) with my secret," Rose trails off before she shakes her head mumbling to herself and the bubbles that are attached to her fly off. 

"Of course, if we think positive we won't turn into Reflkta," LB concludes soon turning toward Chat Noir. "Chat Noir think positive, I know you can do this. Yes, things might be hard but you're not alone and I couldn't do any of this without you or (s/n), you guys are the best partners ever and I would never trade anything for you. I don't say this enough but I'm so grateful you're my partner and that you're in my life."

"That's such a meow-velous thing to say. I'm grateful you two are in my life as well," Chat says, brushing all the bubbles off of him. "LUCKY CHARM," Ladybug looks down at the ice-climbing ax in her hands before looking around confused. "Do you know what to do with it?" I ask and she shakes her head. "No, I don't see any way to use it." "I could try using my cataclysm on the sentimonster but who knows what'll happen if I do that." "It doesn't help that all this negativity is messing with my brain," Ladybug comments and Rose starts cheering us on. "I think we need some more paws-itivity around here and I know who can help us."

Chat says turning to Rose and hands her the pig miraculous. "Rose Lavillant, we're trusting you with the miraculous of the pig which holds the power of jubilation. Please use this for the greater good," Rose takes the ankle bracelet and meets Daizzi. "Daizzi Rejoice!" Rose starts head banging as her pink and white mask appears with her no pig-tailed hairdo. From there she starts tapping the ground with her feet till a pink mist covers her body leaving the candy-like design on her suit with a skirt and she claps a tambourine appearing in her hand. "Call me Pigella."

With that, we head in further and find the real Reflkta all the way in the back surrounded by a big ball of bubbles as she recited that everyone was feeling guilty because of her. Pigella swims up to her with a smile. "GIFT!" A shining pink gift appears and Pigella opens it. "That's a power?" I ask and Ladybug nods, "Her power shows the person it's affecting their greatest wish come true."

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