Psychomedian: Part 2

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Later that day Harry came back with news that Gabriel was going to let Adrien come to the show and currently him and Marinette were dancing around in circles chanting "He said yes!" "Nice work, I hope you'll be able to get your film produced Harry and now there'll be a smile on Adrien's face as we watch his favorite comedian's show. It'll be so much fun, laughing and joking...Wait! I don't know any jokes, he'll never find me as funny as you and I won't bring a smile to his face!" 

Marinette starts to worry, now pacing the room while I roll my eyes at her nonsense. "Don't worry Marinette I'll help you." "Don't you need to prepare for your meeting with your producer?" I ask but he shrugs it off, claiming he's got it covered before teaching Marinette some of his skits.

We head to the show and Marinette was expressing her worries about messing up the bit. "Don't worry I'll be right here to help you." "What if he doesn't laugh?" "He will. You told me he watches my sketches just don't forget to add the gimmick, it let's the audience- Adrien know when to laugh," I roll my eyes at this, people shouldn't need an indicator of when to laugh at an obvious joke, it should come naturally.

Marinette makes her way over to Adrien and we begin to watch when out of the corner of my eye I see Luka approaching the lot and I facepalm. I forgot that he was a fan of Harry Clown. This was bad, I wasn't ready to face him yet, it had only been a few weeks since our break up. I press myself up against the wall to avoid being seen but Harry drags me back out in the open telling me "Don't hide, Marinette needs our support." "That's not why I'm-" I try to explain when... "(y/n) hi!"

Luka waves and  I walk over to him and give an akward wave and smile. "Hi..." "What are you doing here? You don't usually come to Harry Clown's shows," I gesture over to Marinette trying to do the clumsy cowboy skit on Adrien. "You know, the usual Marinette shenanigans," He watches them for a moment and gets confused. "I don't think Adrien is enjoying it," I look over and Adrien was watching Marinette in worried confusion as she continued the skit. "Well she never actually confirmed with Adrien if he was a fan of Harry Clown or not..." I trail off and fall into an akward silence unsure of how to talk to Luka without mentioning or a reminder of our break up.

"So how have you been?" "Fine. I'm fine," I quickly answer again internally wincing at the lie, I didn't want to make him feel bad by letting him know how painful our break up was for me. So I turn my attention to Marinette as she stumbles through the skit, reassuring Adrien she was ok, and apologizing before running away after spraying him with water. "I uh...Better check on her. See ya later bye!" I quickly say and take off after her.

I find Marinette crying in the corner and I sit down next to her when Harry approaches as well asking "Marinette? What happened?" "It was a total disaster, Adrien didn't laugh once, I only managed to upset him, he must think I'm so lame," Harry frowns when the room darkens and the crowd cheers for Harry. "I'm sorry Marinette but the show must go on," He heads to the stage and I comfort Marinette suggesting she tell Adrien what she was trying to do and that he would understand.

That's when Bob Roth runs past us in fear and we see a man wearing a red, black, and white jester-like suit with a red hood a white mask with a red nose, and a fanny pack chasing him. One hiding place and transformation later we find the clown controlling the crowd's emotions when Ladybug calls out to him. "You've lost your sense of humor Harry." Actually I think I've gained a wide range of emotions Ladybug. From now on I am Psychomedian." 

"Cute name, I'm not sure how I'm feline about it," Chat Noir jokes as he lands next to us. "From now on people will take me seriously and tremble before me," He goes to honk his red nose, his face mask showing a fearful look when LB and I close our eyes and she blocks Chat's. "Don't look at him!" "No problem, I don't like creep clown faces anyway."

"Thanks for the compliment," I peek from behind my hand to see Psychomedian jumping toward us to attack and I push the two out of the way before dodging a few of his punches and closing my eyes as he presses his nose again. The three of us turn around when we hear growling to see he affected some people who started chasing us. "The akuma could be in his red nose." "Got it CATA-" "Stop! We need a plan to get close to him without making eye contact," LB stops Chat when we Psychomedian lands next to us, making us evacuate the scene to hide from him.

"For a comedian, he's not that funny," Chat comments and I tell him, "That's the problem, he doesn't want to make people laugh anymore," Ladybug summons her lucky charm and is given a small make-up case. "A perfect way to go out in style," Chat jokes when LB's eyes light up and she starts putting make-up on her eyes. "I can defeat him with my eyes closed but I'll need you two to be my eyes."

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz