Kuro Neko: Part 3

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"That could mean it's possibly a sentimonster," I mutter when Ladybug charges forward.

"We have to de-akumatize him. Cataclysm his bell I'm sure that's where his akuma is!"

I blankly stare at her in annoyance, sometimes I wonder what the point of saying anything is. Catwalker races after her re-iterating my thoughts.

"Good point but I know Chat Noir- Wait what are you doing?!"

Catwalker races to the cat, getting its attention, and leading it to a grassy area. We watch as he starts rolling around on the grass and we watch as the cat starts eating grass.

"What is it doing?" I ask, watching as it begins to gag.

"Cats sometimes eat grass, it helps them spit up their hairballs," Catwalker explains, and LB hums in thought.

"Ok Chat Noir loves acting like a clown but he wouldn't go as far as to eat grass."

I chuckle behind my hand as Catwalker sticks his tongue out in disgust for a moment before stating:

"You're right to doubt and I agree with you. Until we're sure whether we're dealing with a sentimonster or someone who's been akumatized we shouldn't make any brash decisions. Let's find out more."

Ladybug sat in thought, frowning deeper with every passing second as she muttered "You were right. Of course, that's not Chat Noir."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, I thought for a moment that it was Chat too," I say, and it was true for a moment I thought the giant cat was Chat when Ladybug said it was him before my brain kick-started and reminded me it couldn't be him he was standing next to me.

"But I just confused my former partner with a giant piggy bank! I didn't see he was hurt by me trying to protect him and I couldn't stop him from leaving either. Not only am I the worst friend ever but the worst guardian..."

"That's not true. Maybe the boy who was Chat Noir didn't understand your actions and didn't properly communicate with you about some things. But that shouldn't force you to pay more attention to him than others. You take care of others whether they realize it or not. Now I want to take care of you," Catwalker reassures her, helping her to her feet.

We go after the cat again and try another attack. It didn't do much but get us tossed aside. Picking up LB's yoyo, Catwalker hands it over to her with a bow.

"Thanks LUCKY CHARM!" A parachute falls in her hands and she looks around before staring at Catwalker with a look.

"Are you ok?" 

"Yes! But I'm gonna need you. Use the parachute to blind the cat, (s/n) will use her powers to get toward the collar and I'll snatch his bell with my yoyo."

Catwalker climbs the monument the cat was on and throws the parachute in its face, making it fall. Seeing it was about to fall on us, I grabbed Ladybug and used my ice powers to get us out of the way. The cat runs away and I give Ladybug a look as Catwalker approaches with the parachute.

"Let's not panic. I made a mistake so we'll try something else," She looks around again with the same confused look. "I know what to do! I hope..." She mutters that last part.

"Ladybug are you sure you're ok?" I asked; she was acting weird.

"Of course now here's the plan," This time Ladybug and Catwalker were going to parachute down and Catwalker was gonna cataclysm the bell.

I had my objections because that seemed like a high risk but along with Ladybug's weird behavior came extreme stubbornness. The wind changed their direction and he accidentally cataclysmed the cat which was a sentimonster. 

"Shadowmoth my cat is broken! You promised me a kitty that'll listen to me!" We hear a little girl's voice echo out, catching our attention.

"You were right, it is a sentimonster and there's a little girl inside! We've gotta get her out!" LB starts to panic.

"I'll go re-charge my cataclysm, you think of a plan," Catwalker heads off and Ladybug sighs.

"He's too perfect and that's a problem..."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I keep thinking he's like Chat so my plan requires Chat's antics or no Catwalker at all. Whenever I try to include Catwalker all I think about is Chat Noir. I don't think I can do this," She explains and I smile.

"That's ok just focus on defeating the akuma, we'll break the news to Catwalker and we'll get our favorite cat back.  I'm gonna go recharge," I reassure her before heading out.

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