Furious Fu: Part 2

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"But we're the guardians of the box," I argue and Flaake explains further. "The celestial guardian was in charge of the box before the incident caused by Master Fu." "Ok but how did you find us?" Marinette asks and Su-Han points his staff at us. "The guardian's staff comes with a compass that allows the boxes to be tracked at all times." "If that's so where's our staff?" I ask, Marinette shrugging at me.

"Precisely why you two aren't true guardians and this is a misunderstanding. The misshape of the box proves it." "But Master Fu entrusted it to us," Mari argues, and Su-Han glares at us. "Fu?! As in Wang Fu, the Whiney Chicken Leg? That incompetent disciple who couldn't spend one entire day without eating, or do a thousand finger push-ups?! Fu should never have been a guardian. That low-life never lived up to the hopes that were placed in him."

This time we glare at him. "Master Fu may have made mistakes when he was young but he bravely the box for years, even sacrificing himself and his memory to save the world and even fixed his mistakes," We argued when Su-Han looked between the kwamiis and started to freak out. "Why are some of the kwamiis missing?!" "When we were given the Miracle Box Nooroo and Duusu and their miraculous were already missing and for the past two years we've been trying to find them," I explain when he asks "He lost the miraculous?! Incompetent fool. What about Plagg?" "Plagg hasn't been lost. He's with his holder Chat Noir."

"Who is Chat Noir?" "To protect the Ladybug and Cat miraculous the holders' identities must remain a secret," I state, crossing my arms, I had a bad feeling about this guy and what he'd do if he knew Chat's identity. Su-Han gasps and sits down when he notices us wearing our miraculous. "So this is what today's age has come to...The miraculous protected by foolish children wearing miraculous they were never supposed to wield. That's enough of this nonsense, kwamiis get in the box!"

He demands and the kwamiis listen as he puts the miracle box in his bag and we ask in unison, "What do you think you're doing?" A book is shoved in our faces. "Let me remind you neither of you is fit to be guardian as you've broken the following rules: kwamiis must not live outside of the box, guardians must never lose a miraculous, and finally a guardian cannot under any circumstances wear a miraculous!"

"But Master Fu wore one himself, the turtle miraculous." "That just proves my point further that none of you are up to the task of being guardian besides it should not be a child's responsibility to look after ultra-powerful cosmic entities! One must manage them with authority, which you are obviously incapable of doing!" Su-Han's attention turns to Mari's computer when the knight on the show Barkk was watching challenges his foe, setting Su-Han off.

"Challenging me like this is akin to pulling on the tiger's whiskers, you villain!" Mari steps between him and the computer. "Easy! He's not real and he can't harm you, see?" She pauses the movie while he asks questions about it before demanding we take him to Chat Noir. "What do we do?" Mari asks and I tell her, "For now we play along, Chat is also a guardian and he needs to know what's going on. Once we figure out the entire situation we'll figure out what to do." 

With that, we transform and summon Chat Noir whom we meet up with at our meet-up point. "Hello ladies is this the aforementioned guest you mentioned in your message?" Chat asks while Su-Han grumbles at the fact that Chat Noir was also a child before introducing himself. "What? But the three of us are the guardians?" Chat rightfully asks before Su-Han cuts him off.

"When the lion speaks the cub listens! First of the three of you will hand your miraculous to me." "That's a bad joke if I've ever heard one," Chat snorts as I ask. "If we do that how are we supposed to defeat Shadowmoth without the miraculous?" "I will reassign them to carefully selected, appropriately trained adult holders like any responsible guardian would do," He retorts back.

"Come on, we're not seriously considering handing over our miraculous to some guy who showed up out of the blue are we?" Chat Noir asks in disbelief and Ladybug gives him an unsure look. "I dunno, the kwamiis confirmed he's the original guardian of the box and I've been thinking what if the reason we haven't defeated Shadowmoth yet is because we're untrained inexperienced teenagers who can't even stay transformed after using their powers?

"That's ridiculous, we've stopped him multiple times before sure it's taking a while but nobody else knows Shadowmoth as we do and we will take him down. But if I have to give up my miraculous it'll be because you asked me to. As far as I'm concerned we're the only guardians here." "Perfect. Tell him to hand over his miraculous, give me the miraculous, and renounce being the guardians," Su-Han orders when I ask "Won't that mean our memories will be erased too?" Chat freezes up as he looks between me and LB asking, "Does that mean we won't remember each other?" Ladybug nods and he glares at Su-Han. "As one of the guardians I'm opposed to handing over our miraculous and the Miracle Box. You want them? Then come and get them!"

He takes a defensive stance and I join him. "I'm with you, I refuse to lose everything just because some guy told me to." "Guys calm down that's a guardian you're talking to, we'll find a solution," LB tries to calm us down when Su-Han charges at us claiming he trained for years to be able to overpower rogue miraculous users. It didn't take long before Chat and I were pinned down as we groaned "Master Fu was much nicer."

"His Mira-Kung-Fu was much weaker too," He reaches for Chat's ring when Ladybug's yoyo wraps around Su-Han and throws him into a wall. "Grand Master! Last I heard the three of us were the guardians and we've decided to keep our miraculous!" He attacks again, dodging, blocking, and predicting our moves. "Chat, grab his staff, (s/n) the box," Ladybug instructs us and we charge at him while Ladybug pulls up the clip of the knight from earlier and uses it to distract Su-Han. We take off after trapping him under some rubble and go into hiding.

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