Risk: Part 3

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Marinette, Chloé, and I headed to the bakery with no idea what we were going to do to help Adrien, it wasn't like there was much we could do anyway. Just before we entered I heard Luka call out for me as he ran up.

"I'll be up in a sec guys," I tell them before turning to Luka. "Luka, what's going on?"

"Is it true? Is Adrien leaving? I saw it on the news and he can't leave...He didn't look like he wanted to," Luka asks and I nod with a frown.

"Yes, unfortunately, and you're right he's not happy. You're among the few people who noticed, everyone else thinks it's a wonderful opportunity."

"So no one's doing anything to stop this?"

"Pretty much, it's just me, Marinette, and Chloé but we have no idea what we're going to do," I admit with a sigh.

"I'll help," Luka says, giving me a determined look.

"Thank you. Come on with any luck Marinette and Chloé have thought of something," I take him by the hand and lead him upstairs to find Chloé and Marinette arguing.

"I don't see why I can't just have Daddy stop the train."

"One we shouldn't have to resort to that. Two, it wouldn't stop them for long they'd probably just get on a plane or something."

"Then I'll just have Daddy cancel the flight too."

Mari let out a sigh when she noticed us.

"Is Luka helping?"

"Yeah if we can figure out what to do. It sounds like the only idea is hope the mayor can do something?"

"Well, what's the point of being the mayor's daughter if you can't use that to your advantage?" Chloé asks and Mari gives me a 'help me' look.

"It's a good idea Chloé but let's save that as a last resort to see if we can come up with anything better," I suggested and we started brainstorming but nothing was coming to mind.

We were running out of time as well, we had thirty minutes to do something all there really was, was Chloé's idea. That's when Marinette pulls me to the side with an idea.

"I've got an idea, what Adrien needs is a knight and that knight will be Ladybug! Everybody listens to Ladybug. As Ladybug I'll be able to convince Gabriel Agreste and Adrien will be saved."

"What? No! That's a bad idea, what if Shadowmoth notices your sudden interest in Adrien and starts targeting him or something?" I point out and Tikki nods in agreement.

"(y/n)'s got a point, I'm getting worried you've taken too many risks today, something is wrong. You know using Ladybug to solve your personal problems never ends well."

"I know it's risky but this time it's too important," Marinette insists before leaving.

"Where is she going?" Chloé asks and I sigh.

"She's got an idea she wants to try but she didn't tell me so I have to go make sure she's not doing anything risky. I'll see you guys later," I wave goodbye, hide to transform, and go after Ladybug.

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