Miracle Queen: Part 2

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"This is all my fault all because I didn't transform back before I went to find him," Ladybug admits to us, and Chat and I stare at her in shock, asking in unison, "What?!" "I was conflicted because of personal matters, I'm sorry, I'm such a failure," Ladybug says, burying her face in her hands while Chat and I exchanged looks, we had to get her confidence back. "Hey the important thing is to save Master Fu before the sentimonster destroys his shield and we'll need a focused Ladybug for that so just forget what happened ok?" "Exactly, you made a mistake, we all do what matters is how you try to fix it," I chime in and she pulls Chat Noir in for a hug, thanking him for always being there for her. When they part she does the same with me.

"Ok we have to save our friends from having their identities exposed then we can defeat Miracle Queen, Mayura, Hawkmoth, and the sentimonster but first we need to neutralize those wasps so we can get out of the water," She takes out the dragon miraculous from her yoyo, puts it on and feeds Longg. "Ladybug you know that's too dangerous using more than one miraculous at the same time," I remind her and she states, "We don't have much of a choice if things continue to go bad you both might need to use another miraculous too," Getting out of the water we power down, Tikki and Longg unify creating Dragonbug who uses the water ability to create a water bubble, preventing the wasps from stinging us.

"Time to save our friends this means you'll be learning the other holder's identities but considering the situation it can't be helped," Dragonbug tells us as we search the town for our friends to stop them from being exposed. We managed to grab Nino, Max, Kim, Luka, and Kagami and with some spare rope, we found tied them up to prevent them from being seen. "Wait we're missing Alya," Dragonbug comments and we rush to where Miracle Queen was to see her rounding the corner in the sight of Miracle Queen and Hawkmoth. Dragonbug's yoyo flies out and pulls her back and out of sight. "Do you think they saw her?" Chat asks and Dragonbug shrugs. "We'll have to hope not." "We can worry about it later, for now, let's focus on getting rid of that pesky insect," I chime in and we land in front of Miracle Queen with a wide water shield, pushing her wasps back and trapping some people inside with us because in her impatience she had given out the fox, horse, monkey, and snake miraculous to some random civilians.

"Ladybug!" Miracle Queen growls, earning her a smirk as she's corrected. "It'll be Dragonbug to you Chloé." "A few extra powers aren't going to save you, you know. In a few moments when the old guardian is too weak and his shield is broken, I'll force him to tell me your secret identities. All thanks to Ladybug who led you all to your own doom!" Hawkmoth points out, gesturing to Master Fu who was struggling to keep his shield up. "He's trying to divide you! Don't listen to him, the three of you were chosen for a reason so stay united!" Master Fu yells at us and the three of us nod at each other before clasping our hands together.

"Us against the world." "As always." "United no matter what," We then turn to Hawkmoth. "Ladybug, (s/n), and I never fight each other, we fight together. Welcome to your doom's day Hawkmoth," Hawkmoth calls us fools and Miracle Queen orders her guards to attack us, all four of them activating their powers. "The snake power is very dangerous, you focus on him, be careful." "Got it," Chat summons his cataclysm and I summon ice storm. I stand back waiting for the perfect time to strike at the snake holder while Dragonbug kept the other three busy. After a few seconds, it was clear he had already gone back a few times by the way he was blocking Chat's attacks so while the snake holder was holding off Chat's hands I take the opportunity to freeze him in place so Chat could take back the snake miraculous and unify Plagg with Sass while Miracle Queen cried out about the snake being useless.

"Second Chance!" I start fighting the horse holder while Chat Noir tries to help Dragonbug as he shouted, "It's an illusion!" Using her yoyo the illusions disappear only for the monkey holder to grab her yoyo and use uproar, the water shield popping and the wasps target us soon hitting Dragonbug and me-

"It's an illusion!" Chat yells, running to help Dragonbug when the horse holder uses voyage to send Chat into space. "No!" I shout, tackling the horse holder and reach for the glasses-

"It's an illusion!" Chat yells, running to help Dragonbug when the horse holder uses voyage, Chat jumps over it and prevents the monkey holder from using uproar. I tackle the horse holder and snatch the glasses, putting them on. "Flaake, Kaalki unify!"

Flaake and Kaalki unification outfit:

"Dragonbug opening there!" Chat points at Miracle Queen as I run up and she creates an opening where he throws the monkey holder's staff

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"Dragonbug opening there!" Chat points at Miracle Queen as I run up and she creates an opening where he throws the monkey holder's staff. Miracle Queen catches it and laughs. "Pathetic, is that honestly how you think you'll-" While she's distracted I use voyage to create a portal aimed at the back of her head and Chat throws it through, making a direct hit and her spinning top turns into a disco ball, and her wasps into confetti, allowing Dragonbug to drop the water shield and pull Miracle Queen close with her yoyo so Chat could cataclysm the disco ball. "Longg, Tikki divide!" "Sass, Plagg, divide!" "Kaalki, Flaake divide!" Ladybug de-evilizes the akuma and Queen Bee is brought back to us. "We told you! Welcome to your doom's day Hawkmoth!" Chat taunts only for him to release another akuma from his cane that headed straight for Queen Bee who makes a few bad attempts to catch it before Ladybug does.

"Hawkmoth is our enemy Chloé! He can't get ahold of the miracle box," Ladybug scolds her and Queen Bee looks from the miracle box to Hawkmoth to back at the miracle box before glaring at Ladybug, sending an accusatory finger her way. "I'm not on your side anymore! How many times have I asked to fight alongside you and how many times have you refused to give me back my miraculous?! How many huh?! Hawkmoth isn't my enemy, he's yours! The miracle box is mine!" She sets down the miracle box and starts putting on all the miraculous.  "Chloé don't do that!" All three of us yell at her to stop but she shakes her head. "Oh yes, I will! I'll become the most powerful miraculous wearer there ever was!" Hawkmoth begins to laugh. "I don't even need to do anything, I knew you were one of us, Chloé Bourgeois!" 

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