Guiltrip: Part 2

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The next day I went with Juleka to meet up with Rose before school and we both smiled to see her approach as she wished us a good morning. "I told you everything was ok," She tells us as we pull her in for a hug. "We know but we'll always worry about you a little bit," I tell her before we head to school and start saying hi to everyone who ran past us when Marinette rushes up and hugs Rose. "I love you, Rose! I don't say it enough," Rose looks a little confused as she returns the I love you, soon all our friends come up to her and give their appreciation to her. 

Juleka and I exchanged worried looks, both of us just hoping this was a one-time deal and everyone was just happy to see Rose is ok. "You all mean so much to me too, we never say it enough. What an awesome way to start the day," Rose lightly squeals as she heads into the school with a pep in her step.

"Alright guys, remember to treat her like normal," I gently remind everyone and they all nod before Kim rushes up and takes Rose's bag to carry for her. "Thank you Kim however I can carry that it's not heavy." "Carrying your bag helps me build my muscles," He lies, earning a look from me and Juleka. The princess treatment didn't stop there as Marinette gave Rose a custom-made pillow for the hard desk chairs.

"These chairs are so uncomfortable that I decided to make a sitting pillow for everyone that can stay in the school instead of everyone having to bring their own pillow. Luckily for you, yours was the first one I did." "Thank you?" Markov was next as he took out Rose's school tablet and told her he would transcribe all the notes for each of her classes so she wouldn't have to. "Thanks but I actually like writing my own notes for class it helps me remember the content better."

At lunch everyone let Rose cut the lunch line, earning a glare from me and Juleka as a silent warning to stop but of course, they didn't listen because when we sat down everyone gave their apple to Rose, leaving her with a tall pile of apples and a nervous smile from Juleka while I pinched the bridge of my nose and sigh. "I get the feeling you need to tell me something," The three of us head to the bathroom where we inform Rose that everyone knows about her illness.

"You told them?! Oh no, they'll never treat me normally again," Rose frets before backtracking after seeing Juleka's guilt-ridden face when I tell her. "We didn't mean to tell the whole class just Marinette and Adrien so they could understand why Marinette's joke was upsetting and the class just happened to show up right as Juleka started explaining." "Juls please don't blame yourself, I never should've asked you or (y/n) to keep this a secret, now you guys just worry all of the time. You know what? This is no big deal, I'll just have a talk with everyone and it'll all go back to normal."

We leave the bathroom to find everyone crowding around in worry since we were apparently taking too long. "Guys I'm so sorry for making you worry about me but you have to understand that I'm fine and the fact I have this illness shouldn't matter when it comes to how you treat me, it doesn't even affect me that much anymore so please just treat me like you used to before you knew I had this illness. There's no need to feel sorry for me because I'm happy."

"That means no more embroidered cushions, carrying her book bag, taking her notes for her, and all that got it?" I tell them and they nod Rose quickly adds "But I don't mind the displays of affection, that's always nice," With that we thought the princess treatment was over and it started out that way till we got to science class... "Today we're covering viruses, germs, bacteria, and all the illnesses caused by them," Ms. Mendeleiev says, everyone glancing back at Rose in worry when she sneezes, and everyone starts freaking out, trying to contact her parents, call an ambulance, keep her warm, safe, comfortable and whatnot.

I lightly bang my head on the desk, willing away the anger directed at my friends right now when Rose cries out "ENOUGH! You all promised!" "I'm so sorry," Juleka apologizes before rushing out of the class in tears, Rose and I taking after her as she locks herself in the bathroom feeling more and more guilty for making everyone else feel bad even though it wasn't her fault. Rose and I start banging harder on the bathroom door as we watch an akuma and amok fly over the stall. "Juleka please open the door!"

"Juls resist it and don't listen to him!" I growl when I see the purple mist under the door and I tell Rose, "Go get some help and let everyone know there's an akuma attack and they need to get to safety," She nods and runs off while I call out for Juleka when I hear "The first to plead guilty is me," I see a bright light and suddenly she's gone. "Enough's enough. Flaake Freeze!" I start to tug the door open when everyone busts and Ivan helps me open the door and we see some weird pink thing on the door. 

"Everyone get back!" I order when it opens up and starts sucking everybody in. I grab hold of the door and try to grab Rose since she was about to go in when Ladybug's yoyo flew out and grabbed her ankle. "Don't! You need to get  somewhere safe." "Juleka is in there and I refuse to leave her in there all alone," She unwraps the yoyo and enters the sentimonster. "I don't think we have much of a choice but to go in."

I state, hopping on Chat's staff and putting my spear next to it for a little extra wall. "Both of you grab hold of me," LB instructs as she ties her yoyo to both our weapons. We headed in and the inside looked like a long purple tube as the gust got stronger, forcing our weapons to come in with us, leaving us stuck. Suddenly some purple bubbles appear and try to attach themselves to us when Chat pops them with his staff. "It's like being stuck in a giant pinball machine," He comments as we continue popping any bubbles that come near us.

"But it's in multi-ball mode," We head in farther to find everyone sitting down being covered in bubbles as they blame themselves for one thing or another. When they were entirely covered in bubbles they turned into a Reflkta look alike. "It's not gonna be easy finding the real Reflkta with everyone looking like her." "They may all look like her but they all still have their own voices," That's when Chat Noir starts to feel guilty after hearing Nino feeling guilty that he couldn't help Adrien stand up to his dad.

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