Hack-San: Part 1

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"Marinette! The train is in one hour! Is your suitcase packed?" Tom asks as he enters our room and Marinette groans from her bed.

 "I really don't feel well Dad but it's ok just go without me and (y/n) can look after me."

 "I'm sure it's nothing serious if worse comes to worse we can always find a doctor in London."

 "I can't even move, my head hurts too much," Mari continues to protest and I snicker behind my hand as Tom grabs her suitcase asking:

"Wasn't it your stomach that was hurting ten minutes ago?"

"It's a moving ache! Those are the worst!"

"Come on, we know what's going on."

She doesn't want to leave because not only have I heard that her Aunt isn't that tolerable but because Ladybug shouldn't leave Paris in case Shadowmoth attacks even though she had no problem leaving the country twice within the last few years as a form of vacation. Sure it worked out for us because Shadowmoth was with us for us to stop him but when we left we didn't know that. I think while Marinette continues to use up a month's worth of excuses not to go even though she could just give me or Chat her miraculous.

"You don't want to visit Auntie Shu Yin's because she's impossible. But that's just how it is. We visit her once a year to make her happy. We'll find a way to have fun there. Besides I'm sure we'll find a way to shake her off now and then," Tom says trying to reassure his daughter when Sabine called up.

"I heard that!"

"But why does (y/n) get to stay?"

"Auntie Shu Yin hasn't met (y/n) before and you know she doesn't do well around strangers so she's gonna stay and watch the bakery. Now get ready, we're a family and we face disasters together so please don't make me do this alone."

"I heard that too Tom!"

"Congratulations, you've used up an entire month's worth of excuses in one go and you still have to go for the weekend," I tease Mari as she plops onto her pillow to groan in it.

"I'll have to think of a better excuse on the way. You guys stay here and be good until at least (y/n) is back," Mari exclaims before heading down and pretending to trip over the stairs soon crying out "Ahh! I must've twisted my ankle, there's no way I can walk anywhere like this!"

I continue to laugh behind my hand as Tom reassures her that he'll carry her for as long as she needs. The entire way to the train station she kept overthinking about what to do, reassuring me she'd figure something out every time I tried to tell her to just give me the earrings. In the end, she ended up calling Alya telling me she'd give her the miraculous.

"Why not just give it to me? Wouldn't I or Chat be the next Ladybug if something happened to you until Tikki chooses a new holder?"

 "I did consider that but then I thought what happens if something happened to you or Chat or your identities were compromised? So we need a back up-back up Ladybug."

"Which will be Alya?"

"Yeah, she's reliable and trustworthy, plus she's been a miraculous holder before so she already knows the gist of what needs to be done."

I shrug my shoulders. "It's your miraculous I guess."

Mari's phone pings, a text from Alya notifies us she is here and we turn around to see her rounding the corner when Sabine calls for Mrinette.

"Marinette quit trying to run away. I know my sister can be difficult but if I survived my whole childhood with her, you can survive one weekend." (Oof 💀)

"I'm not Mom, I'm saying goodbye to Alya, she's one of my BFFs."

"Make it quick the train's gonna leave soon."

Alya and Marinette hug as Alya asks what the plan is, her eyes soon going wide as Mri hands her her miraculous and house key.

"What do you expect me to do with these?!" She begins to freak out.

"If everything goes fine nothing. Otherwise, Ladybug, (y/n) will take care of the kwamiis but just in case I'm lending you my house key. I trust you," She hugs the two of us again before getting on the train.

Getting on the bus we head to Champs de Mars Park to hang out with our class as we had all agreed to hang out together after school.

"Guess who's Ladybug this weekend? Yours truly," Alya squeals to the kwamiis after putting on the earrings."

"As if I wasn't enough to help you protect Paris," Trixx grumbles, crossing his arms.

"You can't de-evilize akumas or amoks like Tikki can though," Flaake points out and Tikki nods.

"It's safer this way Trixx."

"Shoot I just realized I can't be Ladybug..." Alya trails off and I arch an eyebrow at her while her kwamii nods in approval.


"Marinette is already Ladybug, I need a different Ladybug-ish superhero name like... Captain Bug or Wonder Bug or better yet Super Bug!"

I start laughing while shaking my head no. "Those are terrible."

"Let's see you come up with a better name than," She bites back and I shake my head.

"No way, you might steal my name if I tell you what mine would be." (If I was Ladybug I'd go for Ladybird or Lady Scarlet)

"Well, now you have to be super careful all the time, keep everything super secret, take things super seriously, and not super screw up." Trixx points out, making Alya frown.

"You don't have to worry too much about all that most of that is for guardians to take care of so (y/n) and Chat Noir can take care of everything else, and remember if the guardians trust you that means you have what it takes to succeed," Tikki reassures her and I nod.

"Everything will be fine."

We get to the park and Alya starts looking around at everybody, making sure they are ok, causing me to sigh in amusement, I remember being that paranoid too. Good times...Not really.

"Is your mom ok?" Nino asks as we approach the bench and she turns to him confused.

"My mom? Oh right yeah, she just needed to give me something not annoying and super-" Alya gasps when she sees Alix on the ground, soon rushing over. "Alix is everything ok? No negative emotions?"

"Oh, I'm fine just needed to re-tye my laces. As for negative emotions better check on Kim, he lost."

Alya rushes up to Kim to check on him and shake my head. While her heart was in the right place she was acting too suspicious. Proven by the fact Nino got up and asked:

"Are you sure you're ok?"

Author: Thought I'd try writing in the correct writing outline, I dunno how I feel about it, what do you guys think?

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