Puppeteer 2: Part 1

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I was getting ready for my date with Luka today, we were planning to head to one of the garden houses and have a picnic to get away from everything. "Hey girl," I hear Marinette say and Alya's voice soon rings out. "Hey, Marinette, you and (y/n) are coming with me and Nino to the Grévin Wax Museum. Adrien invited us!" "Huh?! Wha-?! But-" Marinette starts to stumble with her words when Alya wags her finger. "There's no saying no, you guys don't have a choice." "But I was gonna go on a date with Luka in a bit!" I interject with a glare and she shrugs. "Then we'll bring him along the Grévin Wax Museum can be romantic too!" Alya then shushes I can only presume is Nino before Manon runs up holding a drawn picture of Super Manon. "But Marinette what about my superhero costume?" She begins to pout as she grumbled, "Everyone always forgets about me..."

"Sorry guys, I'm looking after Manon this afternoon, and as (y/n) said she already has plans with Luka, we shouldn't intrude on it..." Mari says a bit sadly since she wouldn't get to see Adrien. Two minutes later and Alya says Manon can come with so it wasn't long before Alya, Nino, Manon, Adrien, Marinette, Luka and I were in a car heading to the museum with Adrien's bodyguard. "How did this turn from a secluded garden date with mon amour to a group outing to the wax museum? Luka teases me. "Alya. She didn't give us much of a choice." "You could've just said no and that you already had plans," I cup his face and give him a teasing smile. "Oh my sweet blueberry, you really think if it were that easy we'd be here?"

He chuckles before muttering, "Guess not," He then leans in close with a smirk. "So I'm a sweet blueberry now?" "Well you're constantly wearing blue down to your hair and you're just as sweet as one," I smirk back, light poking his nose. "Don't worry you guys can still have some fun but you're needed for the plan," Alya suddenly interjects and we both give her a confused look. "What plan?" "To set Adrien and Marinette up, I just know today's the day she's finally gonna spill the beans and they'll become a couple!" She whispers to me before pulling us into a huddle with Nino and began whispering her plan which consisted of Nino and Luka talking about how Marinette wanted to spend more time with him and whatnot and then we'd leave Marinette and Adrien alone together.

She didn't get much farther into her plan because Manon asks us, "Hey! Why are you leaving Marinette all alone? Don't you like her?" This catches Mari's attention and she asks, "Huh? What are you guys talking about?" Alya and Nino give her nervous smiles. "Isn't Adrien dating Kagami?" Luka whispers to me and I nod, whispering back. "Yeah, but they wanted to keep their relationship on the down low to avoid backlash from Adrien's fans so they haven't really told anybody. Though I'm surprised Adrien hasn't told Nino yet considering they've been dating for a few months now," Luka nods since it was obvious that Nino didn't know otherwise he'd be against this and he probably would've told Alya who would've told Marinette. "We're talking about nothing, it's got nothing to do with us leaving you and Adrien alone-" Nino starts to ramble before Alya jabs him with her elbow shutting him up.

"Don't worry Manon, it's just Alya and Nino are boyfriend and girlfriend and so are (y/n) and Luka and they both probably wanna spend some time alone together without us," Adrien tells Manon who asks, "Really? Does that mean you and Marinette are boyfriend and girlfriend? She has lots of photos of you all over her bedroom," Marinette buried her face in her hands with a groan and Adrien chuckles. "That's because Mari loves fashion and I'm a fashion model." "But then why are there so many hearts drawn on them?"

Manon again asks and Marinette pats her head exclaiming louder than she needed to, "Those aren't hearts! Those are uh...Upside down spades! I was just coming up with some new patterns for my fabric designs," Marinette then covers Manon's ears and hisses at Alya. "You told me you wouldn't tell Nino!" "I haven't told him! Right, Nino? I didn't tell you anything." "She didn't tell me, besides I told her I won't tell," Now Mari hisses at him. "So you didn't tell anyone one what Alya didn't tell you or did you?" He shakes his head no and whispers to Marinette to calm down. "Marinette calm down you make it blindingly obvious you have a crush on him, everyone but him can tell."

Before she can respond Manon interjects again. "What are you guys talking about?" We all respond with nothing as we reach the museum. "Thanks for coming on such short notice Adrien, I'm sorry but a piece of your statue went missing yet again, just goes to show how popular you are," The museum director Véronique says, leading us all inside. "Look Marinette we get to go in even though it's closed, it's like we're princesses," Manon squeals happily before frowning when she notices Marinette wasn't paying attention to her but the blonde in front of her. "Hey did you hear me?"

I go to play along with Manon's little joke when Alya pulls me back into a huddle walk with her, Nino, and Luka. "Be careful this time alright? Marinette's the only one that's gotta spill the beans to Adrien, not us so no matter what Adrien asks you just deny." "Have you considered whether or not Marinette wants to confess her feelings to Adrien or if she's ok with us pushing her to do it?" Luka asks and I gratefully squeeze his hand for the fact he was trying to stop them from doing this without telling them Adrien was already in a relationship and this wouldn't be fair to him or Kagami by trying to set him up with Mari. Though if it comes down to it I will tell them and apologize to Adrien and Kagami later.

We walk past some of the statues and Manon runs up to the Jagged Stone one asking for an autograph but when she got no response begins to pout. "Why isn't anyone paying any attention to me today?!" "That's because this isn't the real Jagged Stone, it's a wax statue of him. The Grévin Wax Museum is the kingdom of illusions," Véronique explains to Manon who starts making silly faces at the statue before we continue on Véronique giving us a history lesson about the museum.

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