Simpleman: Part 3

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"Hey! Shadowmoth we're here!"

"Come and fight us!"

"Let's just end this already!"

The three of us shout as we run through the streets, trying to get Shadowmoth to come out and fight us.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir! (s/n)!" We hear an old man call out for us and we turn around to see a purple Roland in a white sleeveless jumpsuit with a giant letter S in the middle, bright-red gloves and boots, a red white, and blue mask with a matching baker's peel in his hand. Manon, Chris, and the twins were behind him, squealing about seeing us in action.

"Give me your miraculous," Simpleman demands and we shake our heads.





We argue, soon marching up to each other. Ladybug throws her yoyo at him but it doesn't hit him and she starts pulling it back while Simpleman laughs, attacking me and Chat with his peel. We started hitting him and his peel with Chat's staff and my spear but no damage was really being done as LB wound up her yoyo before throwing it at the peel and she tried to tug it out of his grasp.

"Fighting is much more simple when nothing is complicated anymore," She exclaims while Chat and I tickled Simpleman.

"Gah! I haven't simplified you enough!" He yells, hitting us with his peel before slamming it down on the ground and shouting "SIMPLIFICATION!"

Another purple wave shoots out and Manon yells at Ladybug to use her lucky charm. She's given a small ball.

"Cool! Hey Simpleman take this!" She throws it at Simpleman and it bounces off of him and straight in her face.

I start laughing as I catch the ball. "Again! Again!" I throw the ball at her face and she rubs the sore spot as she glares at me.

"You and the ball are mean!"

The kids sigh as they watch us just mess around with the ball.

"Ladybug, (s/n), Chat Noir, let's stop fighting and make peace. Give me your miraculous and in exchange I'll give you some candy," Simpleman offers, showing us the candy in his hand.

"Candy!" We cheer in unison as we run over, ready to accept the deal.

"No!" The kids shout, blocking our path. 

"Never take candy from a stranger!"

"He's doing that to steal your miraculous!"

We start to pout and complain about the miraculous.

"I'm tired of miraculous, I don't want them anymore."

"Me neither. Superheroes are lame."

"It's too stressful!" 

The kids had to stop us from taking off our miraculous, telling us we had to win because they didn't like how things were.

"But the bad guy is too bad. Look at how strong he is." (*starts banging head on desk* I. Hate. This. Episode.)

"But our sister is always telling us that you're the strongest and that you're smarter than the bad guys."

"Lucky Charm is too complicated," LB argues and Manon shakes her head.

"No, it's very simple. Think of it like a riddle. For example, you could...Take the air out of the ball then use a pipe to attach it to a bicycle pump and then...Throw it under the bad guy's stick."

"But then it won't bounce..." I pout.

"It's so that when the ball is under the stick, you blow it up again which will make the stick bounce. Then Chat Noir can catch it and cataclysm it."

"But I don't have a bicycle pump."

"Can I just cataclysm the bad guy?" Chat asks and all four kids facepalm when Simpleman glares at the kids.

"You can't help them. Sorry kids but I'm going to have to simplify you too."

He goes to slam his peel down when LB looks at the ball. 

"Make it bounce," She throws the ball under the peel and it bounces out of Simpleman's hands.

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