Wishmaker: Part 2

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"I was gonna say I'm surprised to see you here Luka. I thought you already knew what career you wanted to pursue," Mari says, starting to dig into the ice cream.

"I do. I'm helping Mrs. Evans with her booth where we tell people about being the maker of stringed instruments," Luka explains as we reach the booth, a note was left for Luka stating she had to help some people with their booths for a bit.

"What about you two? Aren't you well on your way to becoming a (dream job) and fashion designer?"

"I am but that could change in the future or things might not work out so I'm exploring my options while I can," I explain before Mari gives her two cents.

"I'm not sure anymore. I've picked up many hobbies throughout the years ranging from fashion, creation, and decoration. You're so lucky you already know what you wanna do."

"I just listened to my inner voice," Luka explains, picking up a guitar and lightly playing it before handing it to me. "This is the first instrument I made myself. I wanted this to be your anniversary present but it wasn't done yet. It took two years to finish."

I blush, looking at the intricate designs he had carved in each one representing something about our relationship as it was filled with meaningful images and quotes. That's when Alec had to appear and ruin the moment.

"Two whole years to make one guitar when you can download an app in two seconds to your phone?" He demonstrates this by playing a guitar app on his phone. "Yet another pointless job. You gotta be kidding me."

"That's not true without actual instruments those apps would've never existed in the first place. Realism makes music great especially at concerts. Not to mention playing the real deal is so much cooler and rewarding while also being a great way for new talent to come along," I argue when Luka grabs a violin.

"Follow me."

We headed to a small beach where there was a nice breeze and somehow he managed to play a beautiful tune with the wind. 

"To add to (y/n)'s argument, musical instruments fill the space and space fills the instruments. No phone in the world will ever be able to do that."

Alec starts to tear up before again yelling for the cameras to cut and storming off. 

"Well, Luka you definitely have a gift for finding the right words at the right time," Mari compliments.


"Uh- Most of the time."

I turn around to see Adrien just a few feet away and I turn her around as Luka says "No, Adrien, over there."

"You still haven't told him about your feelings right?"

"How exactly am I supposed to explain that I don't know how I feel about him?"

Luka grabs her shoulder and we begin to walk over.

"Something wrong Adrien?" Luka asks when he takes notice of us.

"I just made the rounds to ever stand at the careers expo and I still don't know what I want to do. If I don't make up my mind my father will decide for me like every other aspect of my life again..." He sighs and Luka takes a seat next to him.

I quickly take the seat next to Luka, forcing Marinette to sit next to Adrien.

"Well if you ask me. I've always felt that modeling wasn't your true inner music."

"I dunno anymore, a few years ago I would've thought I'd be content doing whatever my father told me to, possibly even follow in his footsteps but now I find it's..."

"Way more complicated." We all say in unison before letting out a laugh.

"At least you guys know what you wanna do. Luka gets to be a rockstar like his dad, (y/n) will be a musician and Marinette wants to be a fashion designer," Adrien says with a frown.

"True I do want to be a musician but it took a lot of time to figure that out/Not true Adrien, music is just a fun hobby I have I really wanna be a (dream job)," I tell him with a reassuring smile.

"I don't wanna be a rockstar like my dad. I make music but that's not my career. I want others to feel that music. That's why I wanna be a stringed instrument maker. To make instruments that people will take and make emotions with them," Luka corrects Adrien and Mari follows suit with her truth.

"I always wanna try new things but between the things I want to do, the things I forget to do, and the things I have to do...It's all a lot and it's left me really confused."

"At least you get to figure out what you want to do. My father arranges it all for me whether I agree with it or not. But when I think about what I actually wanna do there's nothing. I'm completely lost."

"There's no one way to find yourself and what you wanna do. It takes time, trying new things and listening to your inner melody," Luka states, soon turning to Marinette. "Marinette, your inner music right now is like a brass band where all the instruments are playing a different tune but if you listen closer the band is really beautiful, you just need time to understand it," He then turns to Adrien. "Your music Adrien sounds like it's being muffled by someone else playing a sad piano even though your true melody is a happy one," He then turns to me and I give him a confused look. "While you're not confused about your career future (y/n) your melody sounds lost like it doesn't know where to go with the song it wants to play because something else wants you to play a different tune but once you find the right tune your's is a beautiful symphony that I hope one day I get to be a part of again."

My face begins to heat up as I look away and Luka stands up.

"You guys will find what's in front of you and what you need eventually but right now you can't hear it clearly. Just let the melody flow," He offers his advice before playing a song on the violin and the three of us happily listen in.

"Hi there son," We hear Jagged say a few minutes later but stare in confusion to see a crocodile. 


Jagged jumps out of the way when a present falls from the sky and we look up to see Santa Claus. What in the world was going on? We begin to run for cover when a large toy robot appears and points its gun at us.

"Get the girls to safety, I'll distract it," Adrien says, leading the toy robot away while Luka takes me and Marinette to the changing stalls and hides us in there. 

"I've got to protect Luka. Flaake Freeze!" I quickly transform after hearing Luka run away and leave Mari to transform soon grabbing Luka and jumping to safety.

"You'll be safe here."

"Thank you (s/n)."

I take off after Ladybug as we look for the source of today's Shadowmoth chaos while also leading the toy robot away from others. 

"I always wanted to be a robot."

"Yeah well, we're not living in a video game!" Ladybug yells as she ties him up and I knock him down with my spear, Chat Noir soon appearing on the scene.

"He's mistaking dreams for reality."

"I'm guessing Mr. Sparkly Pants is the cause," I exclaim pointing to a man in a black and white glittery suit turning people into their childhood dreams with his staff.

We quickly intervene.

"Why are you stopping me?! I'm making people happy!"

"Against their own will and putting others in danger because of it."

"I want people to live their dreams!"

"Would you really call this a dream?" Chat asks, pointing to a giant cucumber rolling down the street.

"Look! Look! I'm a cucumber! Whoohoo!"

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