Rocketear: Part 1

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The T-Rexes let out a loud roar as they banged their heads against Carapace's shelter shield repeatedly and Carapace looked at me and Chat Noir with worry.

"Hey, do you think T-Rexes eat a lot?"

"Well they are carnivores but they've never had human meat, we showed up after the asteroid after all," I say, ready to activate my power to freeze them.

"We'll find out if Ladybug doesn't get back real soon," Chat says when we hear Ladybug approaching with the doctor.

"It's all good, we found the dino caller."

At that moment the shield breaks and the dinosaurs run toward us, the doctor soon blows the whistle and the dinosaurs stop, soon rolling over to be pet as if they were puppies.

"Everything ok Carapace?" LB asks Carapace and I look over to see him frowning before he shakes his head, stating he is fine.

However, after we leave and collect the miraculous he asks "I was wondering why Rena Rouge wasn't here today. She would've been a big help."

The three of us exchanged looks, she hadn't told him she technically wasn't the holder of the fox miraculous anymore. Before Chat or I could tell him Ladybug pulled him in for a side hug.

"While that's true, I wanna reduce how many miraculous are out and about so I just needed you and you were amazing."

We go our separate ways before Ladybug and I meet with Rena Furtive in the sewers.

"Anything to report?"

"Nope. No sign of Shadowmoth's traps."

We detransform and begin feeding our kwamiis when I point out. "You haven't told Nino that you're no longer a miraculous holder."

"Well...It's just technically I am still the holder."

"Alya. We agreed officially the miraculous of the fox doesn't have a holder anymore and for that to be the case. Everyone has to believe you'll never use a miraculous again. This way you can be our spy without anyone suspecting," Marinette reiterates and Alya nods.

"And so I can cover you with my illusions if Shadowmoth has you followed or if he ever shows himself I can follow him. I know, I know," She drolls out.

"Then why haven't you told him? We agreed it is best to hear it from you. He's starting to ask questions and soon we'll have to tell him," I point out.

"Can he know about Rena Furtive? I mean you two shouldn't be the only ones to see how my costume adapted to my new role."

"No. He can't know about Rena Furtive."

Alya groans before giving us a guilty look. "I don't know if I can lie to Nino like that. We share everything..." We continue this conversation in our room.

"I know but it's too late to turn back now. Maybe tell yourself it's not like lying it's more like-" Marinette tries to say when Alya shakes her head.

"It's more like you don't lie to your boyfriend. If he learns I lied he'll never trust me again and if it ends up like that we'll break up."

Marinette looks to me for help and I shake my head. "Don't look at me, I tried the lying route with Luka, and look what happened. While yes it would be beneficial for everyone to think Rena Rouge is no longer active when it comes to this it's a hard call to make."

At that point, Tom pops his head in asking if we wanna play video games with him and Mari is quick to push him out with an excuse that we were doing homework.

"Again? Your teachers sure give you loads of homework."

"Well it is our junior year and we gotta start making some big decisions soon," Once Tome is out of the room Mari sighs. "I understand not wanting to lie, I hate that I'm lying to my family. It's been months since I've hung out with my dad but we don't have a choice. In order to protect Paris we gotta protect our superhero secrets."

"Ok. I'll tell him."

At school, the next day I could tell lying to Nino was really eating Alya up so I whispered "If you need to talk about it I'm here, I know it's not easy lying about this even if it is safer for everyone."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

After school, we start to discuss our positions for patrol when Alya pulls us closer and shows some pictures she took of Rena Furtive. 

"I took a few selfies of my new costume and turns out if I focus I can change the suit color. I should do a survey on my blog to see what the fans like."

"Alya Rena Furtive means Rena Invisible no one can ever see these."

"Oh right. I forgot it's just been really hard to find content for the Ladyblog recently...I guess I can upload that raw footage of Chat Noir's latest stunts."

We pat her back reassuringly. "We'll figure something out for the Ladyblog."

You're The Music That's Been Playing In My Head: Book 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant