Multiplication: Part 1

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Author: This episode is dedicated to 1denimjacket for giving me the ideas for this episode. A lot of what will happen in this episode are your ideas so thank you for constantly giving me ideas, inspiration, concepts, content to incorporate your ideas, and your support. Enjoy :D

I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, headphones in blasting music. It had been one day since everything went down and thankfully all those events seemed to have taken a lot out of Monarch as well since Paris was peaceful today. So I was currently trying to relax but my head was still clouded with everything that had happened and what could happen, there was still so much that had to be done. We still needed to find Félix and question him, start looking for clues about Monarch, and I still had to talk with Luka so we could figure out what to do. I haven't even told Marinette or Adrien yet that he knows, to be honest, I think it would do more harm than good right now for them to know. Turning my head I see Marinette fast asleep in her bed, perfect. I needed a walk, a long one at that. Grabbing some things I sneak out and start walking and after a little while out of boredom, I start performing some ballet and fighting moves. 

I let my feet guide me and I found myself back at Luka's bridge and found myself wanting to see him. I leap onto the railing of the bridge and balance on my tiptoes as I begin walking across when suddenly...


I hear Luka, startling me and I start to lose my balance.

"Woah, (y/n)! I got you!" I hear Luka rush under me, ready to catch me but my reflexes kick in, and my legs hook the railing, preventing me from falling, surprising Luka.

"Luka, could you please move two steps to your left?" Confused he obliges and I swing my body until I gain enough momentum to do a front flip and land safely next to him.

Luka gives a small clap before he smirks at me. "So you play guitar, write your own music, are a superhero but never told me you could dangle from a bridge like a spider?"

Playfully I tease him back. "You never asked."

He lets out a chuckle before asking, "What are you doing out this late?"

"I could ask you the same."

"I like to study here, my school year starts earlier than yours. So what about you?"

"Couldn't sleep, there's too much on my brain after everything that happened yesterday."

"Speaking of yesterday what happened? Who was that emo-looking version of you holding you against the bridge?"

"A lot happened yesterday after we parted ways. Take a seat, we're gonna be here awhile," I tell him, sitting down and resting against the bridge, patting the spot next to him. He obliges and I tell him everything that happened after the giant Monarch face disappeared from the sky.


"I thought the holder of the dog miraculous was Adrien Agreste. You know who I'm talking about?" Ladybug explains to us, zooming in on a photo of Flairmidable and Chat sheepishly looks over at all the Adrien ads across the city.

"Vaguely, yes."

"Well, it turns out Flairmidable wasn't Adrien and I mistakenly gave the miraculous to Félix Fathom, Adrien's cousin who was passing off as Adrien, and I showed him how the portal through my yoyo to the Miracle Box works," Ladybug shows us a picture of Félix and I shake my head at it.

"He really likes to abuse the fact he looks identical to his cousin every time he's in town. From there he used the power of Fetch on your yoyo and stole the miraculous," I comment, crossing my arms and sighing in frustration.

"Yes, and now Monarch has them."

"In that case, they both made a mistake because now we know the two of them are linked somehow. We have to hunt down Félix," Chat points out as we agree, about to switch to hyperspeed when Su-Han lands before us with a very grim face.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), you were supposed to protect the miraculous and have failed in your duties as guardians. I warned you. Hand over your miraculouses," He demands, outstretching his hand expectantly.

"But we did protect the miraculous," Ladybug argues.

"Then explain why they're in Monarch's possession?! Why does he have seventeen out of the twenty miraculous?! He has the rabbit miraculous! What if he decided to use that miraculous to change the course of time?!" He continues scolding us when we object.

"He already tried but don't worry, we got it back and entrusted it to an exceptional holder we trust."

"We'll do the same for every other miraculous because we finally have a clue that could lead us to Monarch."

"Monarch doesn't have seventeen miraculous, he showed what he has and we took one away, he's got fifteen and we'll make sure that number continues to shrink if you let us. I know we agreed you'd take the miraculous back if we messed up but right now I don't think that's the best option considering Monarch might try something again and it would be safer for everyone if the holders who know what they're up against take care of it. So let us deal with this for the time being until you can find proper holders without having the miraculous right now for the safety of everyone. Once you find better holders or defeat Monarch then we'll give our miraculous back but for now, we can't."

Su-Han takes a moment to think before nodding. "You're right it would be safer for everyone if you kept your miraculous for the time being. This is partly my fault I should've taught you more than I have been, I should've helped protect the box, I've been a guardian longer than you and should've done more. Starting now I will be increasing what you do during training though it will have to be virtual so I can go back to the temple to get back up for this fight. I expect you three to train harder," With that, he makes his leave.

"I hope he's not planning to leap like that all the way to Tibet," Chat comments and I shrug before we power up and head to London. 

"Félix Fathom is the son of American billionaire Colt Fathom who died a few years back and aristocrat Amelie Graham de Vanily, a triple Kung Fu and horse riding medalist, chess prodigy, and England's youngest graduate. They live in London and Amelie is the sister-in-law to the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste," Ladybug informs us on the way.

We find the Fathom residence easily with no sign of Félix.

"Félix wasn't here this morning when I woke up. I thought he went to see his cousin Adrien in Paris. Those two are so fond of each other but Félix hasn't been returning my calls so I contacted his Uncle Gabriel who said he hadn't seen him," Amelie explains worriedly.

"Yet he was in Paris, I talked to him," Cosmobug says and Amelie sighs again, hoping nothing has happened to her child.

"Don't worry ma'am he'll probably end up at his uncle's."

"Or he's already on his safe return home."

Amelie thanks us for the comfort and we leave, discussing our next move in the sky.

"What if we're wrong about Félix?"

"Do you think he's a victim of Monarch instead?"

"If that were the case, what does he stand to gain by helping him?"

"Whatever the reason, he's missing and our only lead to recovering the miraculous..."

"We'll find more leads, protect Paris, and we'll figure out what happened to Félix."

"Until we do, we're gonna have to be more careful than ever now that Monarch has more than a few powers up his sleeve."

"Let's head back. It's been a long day and we need to rest up in case he decides to try anything else tonight."

Marinette and I headed home with grim faces, looking around the bedroom sadly as we recalled all the kwamiis having fun all around the room but now they were gone. Marinette stores away the sewing box before calling Alya, asking her to stay the night.

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