Mega Leech: Part 3

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We start running away, throwing away any Malediktator that gets too close.  "This is starting to get tiring," Chat pants as we round another corner to see a massive mob of controlled people mixed with the mini Malediktators. "It took you three years to realize that?" I ask with a chuckle as we take to the roofs. "Ha ha very funny. Any ideas on how to lose these pests?" "Not really unless you wanna take a chance and de-transform."  "No thanks," Suddenly a few people spring a surprise attack on us and Chat is tackled to the ground and I'm surrounded before I can help him. 

My instincts kick in and activate my power to push them back and lead a false trail of where I went so I could sneak into the sewers to recharge. Just after I re-transform Ladybug and a new hero with the mouse miraculous round the corner. "(s/n) what are you doing here?" I shrug. "Had to escape Malediktator somehow. Let's hurry though, I'm not sure how well your favorite kitty is doing." "Let's get to it then, I was just telling Polymouse the plan. She's gonna free the Malediktators while we deal with the sentimonster."

Ladybug says as we take off and Polymouse asks "How are you gonna do that?" "We just need a lot of people to take on the problem at the same time." "I say the same thing about the environment." "I told you, you have great ideas," We reach a fan that ventilated a grate above and Polymouse looks down at it in fear. "I know you're scared but it's the only way to quickly spread your power throughout Paris you can-" Overcome my fear and go on despite, yeah I know," She takes in a few deep breaths, muttering to herself under her breath before summoning multitude as she jumped as many mini Polymouses spread throughout Paris fighting Malediktator.

LB and I headed up to find Chat Noir had somehow managed to escape and was holding back more people on top of a van. "It's all good, we've got some backup now," She reassures him and he turns around, opening his mouth probably to make a joke when I see a Malediktator jump for his ear to take advantage of the distraction when I shove him out of the way and Malediktator flies into my ear. "Fudge-" I start to say when all I can think about is taking down all the trees for Project Oxygen," I start fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir, trying to shove them off the van to be captured by my fellow citizens while they tried to detain me, avoid falling off the van and be taken over by Malediktator.

Suddenly I was able to take back control as a mini mayor was on the roof with us along with a mini Polymouse. I shake my head in confusion while sticking my tongue out in disgust. "Remind me never to anger you," Chat jokes when the van starts shaking, the people trying to flip the van. "Let me guess we gotta buy more time?" I ask after seeing LB give us a look. "Yes, just enough time for me to get the whole team together," She takes off looking for whichever miraculous holders she needs for her plan.

Author: The Wi-Fi/ internet at my place has gone out and I'm not sure for how long I'll be without it so unless anything changes sometime soon the only time I'll be able to update is on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I'm on campus for the day.

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