Ladybug: Part 1

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"Alright class, we've got five minutes till the bell rings so put your pencils down," Ms. Bustier says and we all put our pencils down. We had just finished taking a mock exam and I sighed, it would've been a difficult one if I hadn't studied with the girls. Packing up my stuff I headed out with Rose and Juleka for lunch where we talked about the test. "I'm so glad you suggested doing that study session (y/n) that mock exam was really hard," Rose exclaims and Juleka nods stating, "Ms. Bustier wasn't kidding when she said it would cover a lot."

We start discussing other things when my phone begins to ring. I excuse myself as I check my phone, it was a number I didn't recognize still I answered it just to be on the safe side. "Hello?" No response. I try again but still nothing before I hang up and return to the girls. After lunch, we all attend our other classes before heading back to Ms. Bustier's class where we find Lila lying to Nate about being friends with a good manga publisher and how she'd talk to him about Nate ad Marc's comic and I roll my eyes as Marinette hisses, "She's such a liar." "You've gotta stop obsessing over her Marinette," Alya shakes her head before Ms Bustier addresses the class. "I've graded all your mock exam papers and most of you did quite well, some better than others...Before I hand them back, (y/n), Marinette would you please come up here with your bags?"

Marinette and I exchange confused looks as we grab our bags and walk to her, placing our bags on her desk. "I just need to check something. Earlier today I received an anonymous note claiming you stole and copied the exam answers," She goes through our bags and pulls out two answer sheets. "Looks like they were right..." The entire class gasps and we both stare at the answers confused. How did those get in my bag? I wondered as Marinette quickly jumps to our defense. 

"Ms. Bustier that's not true! Someone must've planted those in our bags." "But you both answered all of the questions correctly." "I did?" We both ask excitedly before getting back to business as I point out, "That's because we studied, ask everyone else we all had a study session together," Almost everyone nods when Alya chimes in. "Ms. Bustier both Marinette and (y/n) usually score high on your tests and help the rest of us study too," That's when Lila had to open her mouth. "This is so terribly unlike you two. You're both usually so well-behaved," That's when it clicked, this was her doing, probably as some form of revenge scheme, causing us both to glare at her, Marinette soon pointing at her stating, "Of course. You stole the answers, copied them, and put them in our bags. You're the anonymous informer!"

Lila lets out a hurt gasp. "I'm coming to your defense and you're accusing me?" "You can't accuse someone without proof, you two," Ms. Bustier tells us and Marinette says "But we're sure it's her, she stole the test answers!" "That's impossible Marinette, Lila got the worst grade in the class," This is where I speak up. "So? That just means she didn't study or she flunked to give herself a shoddy alibi. She stole the answers to frame us because she's mad we caught her lying and she was exposed. Besides Ms. Bustier why would either of us need to cheat, we've both got a really good grade in your class, and even if we did badly on this exam the lost points could always be made up later. We have no motive to steal the test answers but Lila does because she wants to get back at us for exposing her as a liar. Sure you found the test answers in our bag but that's circumstantial evidence at best!"

"Excuse me Ms. but (y/n)'s right they don't have any reason to cheat and everyone knows it isn't like them to cheat," Adrien comes to our defense, and soon the class it chiming in agreeing with him. "Alright everyone calm down. (y/n), Marinette, and Lila please head to the principal's office so we can get to the bottom of this," Ms. Bustier says, clapping her hands to get everyone to calm down and the three of us make our way to the principal's office.

"I swore I'd make your life unbearable Marinette, (y/n). Let's see how you get out of this one," Lila challenges us with a smirk. "We're not falling for your trap Lila," Marinette says walking ahead, and I add in. "We're not playing this game again," I then join Marinette, I'd rather be in her company than Lila's. We reach the office but Lila heads downstairs and I cross my arms asking, "Where do you think you're going?" 

"You're about to find out. Ready?" She exclaims reaching the bottom of the stairs, lying down, and starts crying out in pain. Mr. Damocles was quick to rush out of his office asking what happened when Lila cries out "Marinette and (y/n) pushed me down the stairs!" "In my office. Now!" He yells at us and it wasn't long before Tom, Sabine, and Ms. Rossi were in the office with us. "But sir we didn't push her down the stairs, we have no reason to," Marinette tries to argue Lila was quick to counter. "That's not true you both hate me and I don't know why, I've tried really hard to be their friend but they keep calling me a liar, trying to get the others to gang up on me and now I'm being pushed down the stairs," She gestures to her now bandaged knee, hitting it with her hand and letting out another fake cry of pain. I roll my eyes, they didn't even check to see if there was an actual bruise there, the janitor just wrapped bandages over her tights which would've done nothing if she was actually hurt.

"Those are total lies!" Marinette yells and I pull her back whispering, "You're not helping our case," I then turn to Mr. Damocles. "Mr. Damocles, if you check the cameras you can see neither of us pushed Lila down the stairs, she walked down and started faking it." "I tried however the security camera doesn't reach the angle so the most that I could see was the structure of the building. Please continue Lila," Of course, she chose a blindspot in the security cameras to pretend she was hurt. "Even worse they both took something very precious from me. A fox tail-shaped necklace I got from my grandmother and my tie-dye bracelets that my uncle gave me before he passed away." "Took as in stole?!" Mr. Damocles asks, now glaring at us. "What?! No! We didn't steal from her! What exactly would that accomplish?" I ask, Tom and Sabine soon coming to our defense.

"My daughter and (y/n) are not thieves!" "Why should we believe any of this? You're accusing them without any proof." "Oh, there's proof...The necklace and bracelets are in their lockers," Lila says matter-of-factly and it wasn't long before we all head to the locker room where our entire class was and began watching in curiosity as Mr. Damocles demands us to open our lockers. We both open our lockers and gasp as a white box falls out and out tumbles the fake fox miraculous and the tie-dye bracelets Lila usually wears. Looking around everyone was staring at us in shock and Marinette tries again to defend us. "It wasn't us. We didn't take anything. She has to be making this all up. (y/n) why aren't you helping?" She asks me and I clench my fists. I wasn't saying anything because I knew it wouldn't help our case it was our word against Lila's and if we tried to say she was lying it would only feed into her story. 

That's when my gaze lands on Adrien and an idea pops up he might be able to back us up. "Sir we're telling the truth we didn't take her stuff, we didn't push her down the stairs, we didn't steal the exam answers. I know this just sounds like Lila's telling the truth but she is lying, Adrien can confirm this," I point out and Adrien begins to nod. "Mr. Damocles (y/n)'s-" He gets cut off by Mr. Damocles who waves him off as he states loud and clear for all "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, (y/n) (l/n) you both are expelled from this school."

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