Optigami: Part 3

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After Nino is turned into a pile of glitter Shadowmoth sends out a Senti-Nino who starts walking around, calling out for Alya. A few minutes later Rena Rouge comes running up with Kaalki next to her. "Alya has been located sir but she's already transformed and she's with a kwamii," Natalie informs Shadowmoth while Rena gives Nino the turtle miraculous.

"Why are you the one giving it to me?" "Ladybug gave me a mission while she's dealing with Style Queen, transform yourself and go help," She quickly explains before taking off, Natalie humming in thought. "This confirms that Nino Lahiffe is Carapace, it also confirms that the two know each other's identities which goes against Ladybug's usual rules. It's also to note that in the past only Ladybug, Chat Noir, or (s/n) would hand out a miraculous."

"It seems Alya is no normal holder, if our plan fails we can use that against them later but as of now the plan has not been compromised," Senti-Nino transforms and lets Optigami merge with the miraculous.




Once safe I clench my fists and grit my teeth as I let out a low growl, I'm getting very tired of Luka getting hurt or in trouble because of me. "Come on the sooner we defeat Style Queen the sooner he'll be saved," Rena Rouge tells me and I nod before transforming and we head back into the building. "Some mission, right Kaalki?" Rena says when we meet back up with Ladybug.

"True, we acted with mastery." "Kaalki how many times did you use your power?" LB asks with a nervous smile that's returned to her. "A certain amount of times," This earns a groan from the both of us. "I don't wanna know how many catastrophes those teleportations caused," Taking the bee miraculous Ladybug unifies the two, giving her a sweet-looking mixture of ladybug and bee outfit.

Heading into the room where Style Queen was fighting the illusion, we were quick to spot Carapace on the other side watching the fight. "What's he doing here?" "There's never too many of us to help right?" "Yeah, he'll definitely be of help," Her lucky charm is summoned and she's given a make-up mirror. "What are you gonna do with that?" We suddenly hear and look over to see Marc peeking out from his hiding spot and he crawls his way over.

"What are you doing here?" "I came to the event with my friend Nate and I've been hiding since," We nod in understanding while LB looks around soon humming. "Strange, I think I see a way to beat Style Queen without my Lucky Charm, I'll have Carapace use shelter on me while I charge at Style Queen and once I'm close enough he'll drop it and I'll stun her." "What if you get shot? I mean after Carapace drops the shield Style Queen will be able to hit you at point-blank range. Honestly, charging with the protection would be a good distraction to try and get the staff away. If Carapace can use his power more than once at a time he could put a shelter on the tip and that gets rid of the risk."

Marc points out and I nod. "He's got a point, if we could do that it would make things much easier. Unfortunately, Carapace can't do that so how..." I trailed off trying to think when Ladybug pulled out the rooster miraculous and handed it to Marc, explaining how it worked and what he had to do.

He transforms into Rooster Bold with an armor-like rooster-themed suit and heads off with Ladybug to explain the plan to Carapace while Rena and I make our presence known and distract Style Queen till LB jumps out summoning venom, shelter protecting her. Style Queen starts shooting, looking on with confusion as her powers have no effect when Rooster Bold grabs the staff and puts shelter on the staff, and before she can do anything she is hit with venom.

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