Mega Leech: Part 4

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A little bit later and we find Ladybug on a nearby roof with Lady Abeille, Carapace, Pegasus, and Ryuko. "Wait up guys!" Chat calls for them as we join them on the roof. "Group pose!" We pose for a minute while waiting for Mega Leech to come toward us. "Pegasus teleport Lady Abeille," He summons voyage, giving her the perfect passage to the top of the sentimonster where it's struck by venom. Polymouse continues to de-akumatize all the mini mayors and when she gives us a thumbs up Ryuko summons Wind Dragon and keeps all the akumas and amoks in one spot long enough for shelter to be activated.

Ladybug gets to work capturing each one with her yoyo before setting the purified butterflies and feathers free in a storm of white like she did during her debut. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" In one circle we all pound it before going to check on the mayor and give him his blue with white spots and the mayor sash on it magical charm along with the usual explanation of it protecting him from Shadowmoth.

"I'm still worried. What are you planning to do about Project Oxygen?" I ask, crossing my arms while raising an eyebrow and I'm given a nervous smile. "It would appear that the people aren't on board with Project Oxygen so it will be re-examined by a commission of experts." "Good because we're all counting on you to do the right thing," LB tells him before we all take off and Ladybug, Chat Noir, and I collect the miraculous from everyone, soon learning Mylène was Polymouse. "You were extremely brave today Mylène, you should be proud of yourself," Chat comments as he pats her on the back, and LB and I nod before we leave.

When we got back to the park the mayor was giving another speech about how he'd listen to the public, that our park was safe, and that he'd be planting more trees around the city. Marinette congratulated Ivan, Mylène, Luka, and me for winning the battle, soon pulling us all in for a group hug, and I gave a playful glare to everyone as shoved me closer to Luka, my heart beating faster at the fact we were pressed tightly together. When we pulled apart we offered to help the mayor plant the trees since he was struggling. I also managed to hear Marinette talking with Adrien about confronting his dad about supporting Project Oxygen. I hope things go well with that.




Adrien enters his home, recalling the encouraging words Marinette gave him for confronting his father. Surprisingly he finds his dad waiting for him in the hall. "Adrien, you took a stand against me today," He said in a disappointed tone and Adrien took a deep breath. "It wasn't personal Father, I took a stand against a project that was shown to do more harm than good.  and I kindly ask that you leave me out of these kinds of projects if you're going to lie to me about what they're about at the least if you won't stop supporting them."

Gabriel glares down at his son. "Go to your room," Adrien stared down dejectedly, feeling as if he'd been ignored yet again as he headed to his room. He's starting to stand against me. I knew sending him to that school was a bad idea, it's giving him the idea he's his own person, making it harder to control him, this won't make things go smoothly, I may have to be more strict with him from here on out. Gabriel thinks as he rubs his thumb over his ring.

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