Truth & Lies: Part 3

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I jumped into the water after Chat Noir and Ladybug and swam to safety where Ladybug was fretting over her white lips. "Don't worry we'd never claw a secret out of you M'lady," Chat reassures her, crossing his arms when she points at his belt. Handing it over she wraps it around her mouth as an extra measure when Chat puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll bring Luka back. Do you know what caused him to be akumatized?" I frown as I meekly answer. "Me...Again. I hurt him one too many times because we've had to fight Shadowmoth. He got tired of being constantly stood up and asked where I ran off to and he only wanted the truth which I can't give. It was the final straw," I clenched my fist. "Not to mention Shadowmoth is now openly using my miraculous for evil and there's not much I can do but try to learn who Shadowmoth is or hope I can reach the Guardians of the Miraculous for help."

"You've been trying to reach the Guardians of the Miraculous?" "Yeah, again there's not much else I can try to do to get back the peacock miraculous, I've deciphered most of what the grimoire says about the peacock miraculous which is mostly filled with what we already know about it," I explain and Chat pulls me in for a hug. "Don't worry, we'll figure it all out but for now let's focus on helping your blueberry," I chuckle as I boop his nose and jokingly threaten him. "Watch it. Only I'm allowed to call him that."

Ladybug approaches holding up her yoyo phone to show a text message that questions how we are gonna find Luka. "There's another truth he's been dying to know: who his dad is. If we ask his mom we should be able to find him," I explain as we head back to the boat and ask where Truth went. We find him with the spotlight on Jagged Stone. "I'm here to find out if I'm your son." "That depends on who you are." "Oh! We wanna play too! Truth or dare?" Chat Noir playfully asks as we land behind Truth, LB speaking. But thanks to the belt her words were extremely muffled. 

"Truth and dare! Night Eye freeze them!" Night Eye targets us and LB uses an umbrella to block the light while Chat and I attack it and Truth interrogates Jagged Stone. "Luka Couffaine? Yes. I am your father," Jagged admits, shocking all of us and in turn giving Night Eye the perfect opportunity to hit me with his light. Not good. "Why did you hide this from me? Why did you abandon me and my sister?!" Truth understandably blows up at Jagged. "I was too lame to take care of a kid, much less two. I'm sorry son. I spent my life on tour, I live in hotels with a crocodile. I could never be the father you and your sister needed...Plus it made for a great song. You ever heard My Guitar Is My Only Family?" I wince, that had to hurt especially since that was one of Luka's favorite songs. "Why don't you write a song about this?!" Truth throws Jagged off the building, Chat Noir jumping off to catch him while Ladybug helps free me by knocking Night Eye with her yoyo.

We head off after Chat and I notice Truth leave the other way. He wasn't gonna chase after us? After we get Jagged to safety we find Night Eye looking for us so we grab its attention by hitting it and letting it chase us to the cinema and fool it with cardboard cutouts of us. "Your idea was spots on M'lady," Chat compliments as we sneak away from the area. "Now we just need to find Truth." "I know where he'll be. Looking for me or anything in my room that'll tell him my secret," I say as we rush back to the bakery to find Truth had ransacked mine and Mari's room probably looking for my journal/ diary and he was about to open the cupboard holding the Miracle box. 

Quickly Ladybug pulls his arm back with her yoyo and he summons Night Eye back. "Go for the guitar chip-looking necklace, that's where the akuma is," I exclaim and Chat Noir charges at him with a cataclysm. To avoid it Truth tugs on the yoyo, throwing her into the chest she liked to use to hide gifts. Truth shoots at Chat who ducks but I can't move out of the way in time, my lips go white and I quickly grab a scarf Mari had been working on and tie it around my face. "M'lady whenever you're ready you can call up your Lucky Charm," LB points at her face, a muffled warning she can't be trusted to talk. "Both of you take it off I have a plan," Ladybug took off the belt and Truth quickly began asking a question. "Ladybug tell us what's your-" "Top three favorite qualities in Chat Noir," Chat interrupts, knocking Truth off his feet.

"I'd have to say it's his courage, and self-confidence but really the quality I like most in Chat Noir is his humor," She answers while we move out of the way of the objects Truth was throwing. "So you're saying you like it when I clown around?" Chat asks as we continue to fight Truth. "Yes. I couldn't do without it. Especially today," Truth turns to me. "(s/n) when-" "It's extremely hot outside what do you wish for?" Chat again interrupts, pushing him to the side. "An ICE STORM!" I summon my power and shoot my ice at him to try and freeze him forcing him to try again with Ladybug.

"Ladybug! Under your mask-" I cut him off by freezing where his mouth was and asked, "What do you use when all seems lost?" "My LUCKY CHARM!" She's given tin foil wrap but is barely given any time to think as Night Eye bursts through the wall and casts its light over Chat, giving Truth a chance to shoot him. "Chat Noir tell me-" "What do you think about our new role as guardians?" LB asks throwing a box at Truth to interrupt him, while I freeze Night Eye so he can't cast a light. "As long as it doesn't change things between the three of us then I'm good with it. But I would like to remind you that I'm also a guardian and if you ever need help, I'm happy to lend a paw," Ladybug tosses the tin foil to me and points at the umbrella connected to my bed and I nod. I wrap the tin foil on the umbrella while LB uses her yoyo to wrestle with Night Eye which is still trying to break the ice off itself. Once she catches it she throws it to Chat who cataclysms the sentimonster and cracks and begins to freak out. 

I point the umbrella at Truth while Ladybug guides that light at the umbrella, freezing Truth and Chat breaks the necklace by extending his staff at it. The akuma and amok fly out and LB deals with them and it wasn't long before Luka was returned to us. "What am I doing in Marinette and (y/n)'s room?" He asks, looking around confused. We briefly explain what happened and get him on his way before we head out and Chat sighs. "Ladies it's been a while since I've had that much fun." "If battling a supervillain with three eyes and a giant monster buddy is your idea of fun, I can't imagine what your  other days are like."

LB jokes and he shrugs. "A baddie, a sentimonster, and Shadowmoth. It's even more exciting with his new name don't you think?" "He can change his name as often as he likes. He'll still never win," I chime in. "You both can count on me and my jokes." "Alright, just don't overdo it," Ladybug chuckles. "Truth is, you two are one of the few I have this much fun with," Chat Noir tells us before taking off and we go our separate ways. I wait for Luka at the bridge, where I'd asked to meet him. I'd given it some thought and I couldn't take hurting Luka over and over again, leading me to make this hard decision. When he arrives I immediately apologize. "Luka I'm so sorry. I don't want to lie to you and I can't take repeaditley hurting you because of things I can't say so I think we should..." I trail off, not able to utter the words break up. Luka however understands what I mean and pulls me in for a tight hug stating, "When you're ready I'll be here mon amour."

Tears start to slide down my cheeks as I cry into his shoulder telling him. "I love you. I know it's too late to tell you but I love you so so much and I wanted to find the perfect way to tell you." "Just hearing you say those words is perfect enough, I love you too," He pulls me in for a short sweet kiss before walking away. I cried all the way home and Marinette asked me what was wrong. "I broke up with Luka..." "What?! Why?!" "I kept hurting him because I'm (s/n). As long as Shadowmoth is a threat to everyone we love, love isn't on the table of things we can have. It's too dangerous," I explain while flopping onto my bed, the kwamiis looking at each other confused. "What's the strange liquid coming from her eyes?" "Tears. That's so sad." "What are we supposed to do?" "Just shut up and hug me," I whisper and Marinette and the kwamiis pull me in for a hug.

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