Tales of Shadybug, Dark (s/n), Claw Noir: Part 4

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I blink in surprise to hear Dark (s/n)'s outburst and I come to realize how alike yet different we were. Still, I give her a comforting smile as I tell her, "That's not necessarily true. I assume you read my diary/ journal in which case you know my life isn't all that easy either and how I often felt like everything was hanging by a thread that was about to snap. I too felt like my only option was to lie to others, I too didn't want to be alone, I too didn't feel good enough despite everyone telling me otherwise, and I too had to lose the person who understood me. You wanna know something? I still struggle with all of this every day, I still lie to people, I feel alone at times, and tonight I don't feel fit to be a wearer of the miraculous, and despite everything that has happened I still can't be with Luka. But you know what I eventually came to realize? I don't need magical jewels to change my life, I had that power. I chose to see myself in a better light, I decided to let others in as best as I could, and I decided I could fix what I didn't like about my life with help when needed."

My gloves give a final flash before I de-transform, soon gesturing to the side with my head. Dark (s/n)'s gaze follows where I nod and her breath hitches. Luka stood a few feet away giving us a worried and panicked look unsure of what to do. We were near Liberty and he probably heard the commotion and wanted to see if he could help.

"He...He knows?"

"Mhm, I'm not sure how yet but I let him in, and let him help and I don't feel like my world is crumbling apart," I give Luka a reassuring nod that I've got this and gesture for him to leave.

Once he was gone I turned back to Dark (s/n). "While I don't have to deal with the Supreme One's expectations I've had to deal with my own which also required me to be better than perfect because I couldn't trust myself not to mess up and I assumed everyone's expectations were the same but nobody expects anyone to be perfect and you don't need to lie to others to get them to like you, you just have to treat others how you want to be treated and be yourself. If they still don't like you, that's not your problem it's theirs. Yes, you've gone through worse than I have, and yes it hurts, and yes it's easier to put up walls, and act what you think will do you better. But the harder path of changing for the better and properly taking care of yourself gives a better result, speaking from experience and the best part about it is you don't have to do it alone, you can ask for help. I know it's the hardest thing to do but it's also the bravest and strongest thing you can do."

Dark (s/n) takes a step back away from me, wiping her eyes as she says, "Who in their right mind would help me?"

"I will. If you want my help all you have to do is ask. I'll listen and do my best to help. Please let me help you."

Dark (s/n)'s eyes shake before she de-transforms and falls to her knees, crying into her hands, begging for help. "Help me...Please!"

I kneel before her and gently hug, giving her the time she needed to cry before telling me her problems. Emo (y/n) started telling me everything about how her family had seen her capabilities from the start and had high expectations from them leading to others assuming things about her. In the end, she didn't know how to fix people's perceptions so she gave them what they wanted so she wouldn't be alone. How the Supreme acknowledged her abilities and gave her the job as Shadybug and Claw Noir's keeper, putting her through severe and brutal training to be better than them and their superpowers, and how it led to them being slowly killed by the miraculous. How she met Luka who kept calling her out for being a liar and manipulator and in an attempt to get him on her side she learned more about him and fell in love with him but he had hated her guts so she figured if he ever knew she was Dark (s/n) he'd hate her more so she took her anger out as Dark (s/n) and how her only escape was through her music, even showed me two of her songs:

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