Puppeteer 2: Part 4

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The wand goes flying and we all jump for it when it lands but unfortunately, a hand grabs the wand and gives it to the Puppeteer. "Ha! You lose Ladybug!" Getting up from the pile of statues we find the Chat Noir and (s/n) waiting to fight us, the other statues soon getting up to attack. "Now you won't be able to steal my wand again you meanie. Take their miraculous!" Again it wasn't long before we were overpowered the statues were attempting to take our miraculous when the real Chat Noir bursts in and destroys the statues with his staff. "Hands off, don't you know it's rude to touch a lady much less two without their consent?" He then turns to LB. "Have you found out what to do with your Lucky Charm?" "I do now," She says after looking around, soon creating a replica of Puppeteer's wand and tell's us to play statues.

We pretend to capture Ladybug and enter the wax room and Puppeteer laughs. "I've almost beat you Ladybug, Chat Noir give me her earrings!" He reaches for the earrings but stops halfway. She orders again but nothing happens so she orders me to do it but again nothing seems to happen after reaching the halfway point. Puppeteer tells Hawkmoth her wand stopped working and LB shows her the fake. "Surprise, I swapped them earlier, you lose Puppeteer."

She starts to bend the wand when Puppeteer yells, "If you break my wand I'll just turn them into real wax statues!" A drape drops to show a tied-up Véronique and Théo dangling over the molten wax. "No, don't do that! Fine I'll give you, your wand back," Puppeteer takes the wand just as we hear Chat's ring beep and she realizes what's going on. "If you're the real one then that means-" "ICE STORM!" I shoot ice at her, trapping her against the wall and she drops both wants, Ladybug breaks the real one and the de-evilization process starts and everything is quickly fixed while we pound it.

After meeting back up with everyone in our civilian form we watch the fixed Adrien statue be put back in its exhibit. "Manon has to see this oh but where is she?" Marinette asks, looking around while pointing at Manon pretending to be a statue. "Maybe she's behind that weird statue over there," Alya exclaims and the six of us walk over and Manon jump scares us and we all let out a scream before laughing. After that, we drop off Nino and Alya at her place, Manon with her mom, and then Luka who turns to me and asks. "You wanna join me and play video games or something?" "I'd love to blueberry but there's something I need to take care of at home when we get back. I'll call you later though," I lean in and give him a quick kiss before waving goodbye and we leave. 

The car was silent as Adrien and Marinette kept stealing glances at each other before they both apologize in unison. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried to kiss the statue, I didn't know it was you, and if I had it wouldn't have been a prank because I-" Marinette starts to confess when Adrien stops her. "No, no, it's my fault, when you left the workshop I was worried that you were so mad at me that it made me do the stupid prank." "Of course, I wasn't mad at you, I'm sorry that I made you believe that." "Is that true? We're still friends?" Adrien asks happily and Marinette tells with a smile. "Of course like I said one of my closest, heck at this point you're one of my best friends but to be safe maybe we should stop playing pranks on each other." "I know, I'm not good with jokes, my girlfriend doesn't like them either," Adrien chuckles, and Marinette's face drops. "Your...G-girlfriend?" "Yeah Kagami," Adrien confirms before noticing how withdrawn Marinette had turned.

"Are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm glad we're friends," We reach the bakery and say goodbye to Adrien and once inside Marinette starts to mope. "My worst fear came true, Adrien has a girlfriend, and it's Kagami to boot," She flops onto her bed and I clear my throat, gaining her attention as I cross my arms. "We need to have a serious talk about your behavior," She gives me a confused look. "What do you mean?" "How you treat Adrien, any girl that wants to get close to him, and how you act about him, it's creepy, uncalled for, and toxic. You've become an obsessed stalker over Adrien and it needs to stop now."

"That's not nice (y/n) and so not true," She crosses her arms and I arch my eyebrow and challenge her. "Isn't it? let's go over everything, shall we?" I proceed to list everything she's done over almost two years and why the behavior was not ok. "Not to mention you've abused your powers as Ladybug to prevent Lila from getting close to Adrien and snooped through Kagami's phone to continue to try and sabotage her chances in the friendship game-" "But you know Lila's a bad person that shouldn't be near Adrien!" Marinette argues and I nod. "Yeah but that wasn't Ladybug's problem to handle, there was no need to embarrass her like that just because she showed interest in Adrien what if she was just a normal girl, not a liar or a manipulator you'd still be freaking out and trying to prevent her from close to him just like with Kagami. It's wrong and I'm genuinely concerned about what you're going to do now that you know Adrien and Kagami are dating because no normal person acts the way you do around Adrien, it's not cute and it's not normal. For Paris's sake, you took his hair! You have become a creep, a stalker, toxic, obsessed, dangerous even all because you love the idea of Adrien and you need to realize he's not perfect, he doesn't read social cues well, he's doing things he doesn't wanna do for his dad and won't stand up for himself, you've seen this and yet you act like he's the literal definition of perfect!"

"No I-" She tried to argue again but I put my foot down. "No Marinette, you don't get to make excuses, until you realize how harmful your actions and obsession are, until your behavior changes, until you move on from Adrien I'm not gonna allow you near him, Kagami, or anyone else that wants to get close to them because I don't want you hurting them or anyone else. You don't need to be in a relationship anytime soon." "(y/n), you can't do that! I thought we were friends!" "We were but I refuse to be your friend if this is how you're gonna be," I say sternly and Marinette's eyes widen as she realized how serious I was about this and she went quiet as I leave, after today I didn't wanna be anywhere around her.

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