Simpleman: Part 2

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As we walked to the school Luka wanted to check out, I began to notice what Juleka meant when she said that he was acting strange. He was a bit fidgety, his hands were fidgeting at his side, his brows slightly furrowed as if he was concentrating on something and just seemed super tense since meeting up with me. He was also quiet, not like him at all. Something was definitely on his mind.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I offer, pulling him out of his head.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just being a senior and all, lots of stress and lots to focus on," He responds with a smile and his demeanor seems to relax as he takes in a deep breath but he still seems a little on edge. "How about you? You doing ok with the stress of your junior year coming to an end and the other stresses of life?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm managing," I respond, my mind trailing to all my responsibilities.

"Well if you ever need to vent or anything like that I'm here for you," He tells me and I side-eye him. 

Where'd that come from? I know he's very supportive of me and everyone else but why'd he feel the need to remind me?

"Ok. I'll keep that in mind," We reach the high school and a lady walks up to us.

"Are you two here for the tour?"

Nodding our heads she leads us to a group and the tour starts, showing the building and all it had to offer. Not gonna lie it seemed like a pretty good place, I'll have to bring it up with my advisor and see if it would be a good fit for what I wanted to go into. At one point during the tour, I noticed that Luka had stopped following, he was looking at a TV screen. Upon looking at I saw it was the current story of Ladybug, Chat, and I saved some people, Luka was staring intently at (s/n), making me smile a bit.

"I'm guessing you've taken a liking to (s/n)?" I ask, catching his attention.

"Yes. Out of the three of them, I've always been more drawn to (s/n) and recently I feel she's not appreciated enough. Who knows how much she has to deal with while constantly being overshadowed by the public who focus more on Ladybug and Chat Noir."

I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent me from blushing. "That's so sweet that you care. I'm sure she'd appreciate you giving her more recognition."

"Yeah. One day I'd like to thank her for all she does and let her know she'll always be supported and cared for."

I bite down harder. "Why don't we re-join the group before we lose them?"

He nods and we re-join them when a pinkish-purplish wave flies by. What was that? I don't feel like looking into it, that feels too complicated. (my brain hurts already)

"Next we'll go to...You know what I'll let you all decide where you want to go it's much simpler this way," The lady exclaims and everyone disperses going where they want.

"Where should we go?" I ask Luka.

"It wouldn't it be much simpler to stay here?"

"Yeah you're right," We stand for a few moments and I ask "Now what?"

"We could watch that helicopter fall," He points outside where we see a helicopter falling.

Oh no, people will be in danger but then I'd have to leave Luka and arouse suspicion. Do I lie to him to leave or stay here and let Ladybug deal with it? This is too complicated!

"Those people need help so I'll go tell someone to get help," Luka says, walking off to tell the nearest person.

"Now's your chance (y/n) go help!" Flaake whisper-yells at me as I watch.

"Right but where should I transform?" I look around.

"Just go!" Flaake yells again and so I hide outside to transform before heading over to the crash sight where Ladybug and Chat Noir had already saved the people in the helicopter.

"When bad things happen it's simply the fault of the big bad Shadowmoth," LB exclaims worriedly, Chat soon adding his worries.

"An akumatized villain is gonna wanna fight us to steal our miraculous."

"They're not gonna give up either so it'll take forever to win and they'll most likely hurt us," I chime in and the three of us groan.

"It's gonna be really complicated."

"Wouldn't it be simpler to fight Shadowmoth directly?"

"Of course!"

"But it's too complicated to find him...I know! Let's call out for him and he'll come to us!" I suggest and they nod.

It wasn't long before we were running through the streets shouting for Shadowmoth to come and fight us.

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