Chapter 197

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    "What-" A voice said as Phantom laughed and patted my shoulder. "Bruh." A voice said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm the Blade, what did you expect?" I said and a voice stifled a laugh. "Is that enough violence yet?" I asked as I looked at my gleaming sword, now blood-coated.

    "We need MORE!" A voice said excitedly. "A little bit more, but thank you!" A voice said and I smiled. "E." A voice said blankly. My smile turned into a grin as I turned towards the large group of people that had cornered us.

"Well then, if it's violence you want, then it's violence you shall get."


    Tommy twirled Clementine around with a grin. "Oh, this is going to be good." He said, watching the men excitedly. Bee tossed a bomb in his hand and Benson watched the men with a mischievous gaze and a small bomb in his mouth. Ender and Blade held their swords in a ready-to-fight stance while Ph1LzA gripped his katana tighter.

    Tommy looked at Ender as his eyes widened in realisation and so did Ender's when he realised what Tommy was thinking about. He quickly grabbed Tommy's wrist and teleported himself, Tommy, and Clementine to where they left Olivia.

    Olivia was walking backwards against the alley wall as another creep was trying to force himself on her. Tommy didn't even speak as he walked up behind the creep and swiftly swung Clementine against his neck, successfully beheading him. His head fell against the floor as his body toppled to the ground. Olivia was shaking and Ender quickly walked forward and embraced her.

    "I'm so sorry, sweetheart!" Ender said, pulling Olivia close to his chest. Olivia hiccuped and nuzzled closer into his chest. "Shh, you're alright now, sweetheart." He whispered, gently touching Tommy's arm and teleporting the four of them back to the others. Ender gently sat down on the floor and cuddled Olivia as she sobbed quietly.

    Bee looked at Tommy but Tommy gave him a look and Bee understood everything. "Sitting this one out, Ender?" Bee asked gently and Ender paused then nodded. "Until Olivia calms down, yeah." He murmured, running a hand through the girl's hair. Bee nodded and turned to the mass of people. He quickly took a photo of the crowd and grinned when he scanned them.

    "All assaulters. Been in jail multiple times, bailed out every time." He said and Benson let out a muffled quack as he threw a bomb at a man. That's the signal everyone needed to start fighting. Blade launched at the crowd with a psychotic smile as he fought. He danced a beautiful dance of death, blood tainting his clothes.

    Ph1LzA stretched his wings and used them to dodge attacks. A lot of men headed for Ph1LzA, probably because of the large black wings on his back. Avians were pretty rare after some weird king thought they were harmful to society and ordered all avians dead. So avian wings were really valuable.

    Bee jumped up and threw three lit bombs, all of them landing in a man's mouth. The men only had a second to register what was happening before it exploded, leaving a shower of blood and organs everywhere, even Benson was joining in.

    Phantom was using his abilities to his advantage and whenever he saw a dagger pierced through someone's neck or blood leaking out of someone's neck, Tommy knew it was Phantom. Tommy grinned and spun around in a circle with the arm he was holding Clementine with outstretched, creating a spinning circle of death. Anyone who dared to step close had an instant and painful death.

    "Tommy, what are you doing." Bee said from above him. Tommy looked up and grinned at Bee, who was hovering using his wings. "Circle of death! You should try it!" He said with a smile, and to prove his point, he sliced someone in half. Bee stared and then shrugged and grinned. He grabbed a handful of bombs and spun in the air, letting the bombs fly.

    "WAIT, BEE-" Tommy said, still spinning. "Yeah?" He responded with a grin. "WHAT IF YOU HIT ONE OF US?!" Tommy yelled and Bee laughed. "Please. I have perfect aim." To probe his point, five bombs landed in five men's mouths and exploded. Where Bee was getting all these bombs, Tommy didn't know. 

   Tommy finally stopped spinning and lunged at a man and let Clementine go. Clementine glowed with thankfulness as Tommy threw them a small smile before he kicked the man to the ground. Clementine had wanted to fight some men by themself and they immediately got to work, dodging the grasp of one man and cutting the arms off another.

    Tommy grinned at them and then punched the man in his nose. The man groaned and Phantom threw Tommy a dagger. Tommy grinned at him and he returned it before disappearing again. Tommy drove the dagger into the man's chest. He quickly spun around and kicked a man that was trying to sneak up on him. Tommy grinned and looked at Blade, who was smirking.

    A man was screaming beneath him and Blade's smirk widened. Tommy looked closer and saw he put a finger in a wound he had created next to his heart. He stretched the wound more and soon was able to slip in another finger and a while later, a third. The man screamed as Blade smiled. Tommy watched as Blade put in his whole hand and felt around till he found his heart.

    He soon found it and closed his hand around his heart. Then he yanked it out as the man screamed. Blade laughed and got up before kicking the man with his combat boot. Blade brought the heart closer to his face and smirked.

    "This enough for you yet, chat?" He asked before he noticed Tommy watching him. He grinned and threw him the heart. Tommy returned the grin as he caught the heart in his hand. Then he threw the heart in the air and threw the dagger towards it. The dagger met its mark and pierced through the heart, but the dagger kept sailing. The dagger soon landed in a man's neck, causing the man to stagger back and fall to the ground while clutching his throat.

    Tommy cheered and so did Clementine, who finally returned, covered in blood. Tommy grinned and held his hand out as Clementine happily flew into his hand. Everyone continued the violence and soon even Ender joined in with Olivia cheering him on. Finally, there was only one man left.

    Tommy turned and smiled at Olivia, who grinned back. Tommy looked at the others and nodded, then stepped forward. Olivia watched them with curiosity as they approached her. Then Tommy held Clementine out, Bee held a bomb out, Ender and Blade held their swords out, Phantom held his daggers out, and Ph1LzA held his katana out. Tommy grinned.

"Pick your weapon of choice."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now