Chapter 75

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    Tommy was a bit curious so he went back to the document about the festival. There was a festival called the L'Manburg Festival, which was happening pretty soon. The purpose was to lure a supervillain into the festival, then they would attack the villain and make him have a severe punishment.

    Tommy shrugged and ignored it. The plan seemed cool but all the other things were boring. He went back to doing work and checked the time. Soon it would be time for lunch, and he grinned as he realized he was going to see Purpled again. He quickly finished some of the work and realized it took him four hours. He spent five minutes, just sitting there in his chair, confused about how on earth four hours passed when he thought it took him 25 minutes.

    Clementine had to nudge him many times and yell at him to bring his attention back. "What?" He said to Clementine, and they hovered next to the clock, and Tommy realized that he had spent a good ten minutes and it was now time for lunch. "What the frick?" Tommy muttered, then got up from his chair and stretched. He held his pocket open, but Clementine didn't immediately go in.

    First, they became a bit smaller and then seemingly took a deep breath. It looked like they were preparing for something, and Tommy became more confused with every passing second. Then they zoomed at him and cuddled him. Tommy was taken aback, but his heart melted as he realised what Clementine was doing. "Aww, Clem..." He said as he pet them with a smile.

    They broke apart after a while and Clementine became smaller and fit snugly in his pocket. Tommy laughed a bit then looked in the mirror. He made sure Clementine wasn't big enough to be seen, and then he left for the lunch break. He reached the elevator and realized that everyone from SBI was there. Ph1LzA, Blade, and Phantom were there.

    Tommy panicked a bit but managed to keep a cheerful face as he stepped inside the large elevator. He smiled and waved at them, and they returned the gesture. The elevator doors closed and Tommy's panic grew. "Tommy, stop panicking!!" He heard Clementine's voice say to him in his mind. "Blade can sense your emotions, so please try not to panic." Clementine added, and that added more to Tommy's panic.

    "CLEM I'VE NEVER BEEN THIS CLOSE WITH THEM BEFORE!! WHAT IF THEY RECOGNIZE ME?!!?" He yelled frantically back internally, trying his best to keep a smiling face. "They will recognize you if you keep on panicking!!" They yelled back, and Tommy realized with a sinking heart that they would.

    "Blade's the best at analyzing and reading people, so try to keep your emotions balanced." They said, and Tommy internally nodded and took a few deep breaths as he made sure he was slightly turned away from Blade so he wouldn't see him trying to calm himself down. He let out an audible sigh of relief once the doors opened and the cafeteria was visible, which was a mistake.

    He saw Blade look at him and silently raise an eyebrow. "O-oh, no I'm just relieved that we've reached the cafeteria. I had a small breakfast and I am starving." Tommy tried his best not to stammer. Well, it wasn't a lie, he did have a small breakfast and he was starving. He tried to keep calm and was relieved when he saw Blade silently nod and leave with Ph1LzA and Phantom. He then went to the line and made himself a basic lunch, then went to find Purpled. While he looked for him, one thing was clear to both him and Clementine.

That was a close call.

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